In which there’s a link from Vita. What We Call the News | Send To Friends | Funny Animations at JibJab This is my new favorite song, bitches!
In which this is all the news that’s fit to print, and it ain’t much. We had friends over so I stayed up way too late last night, and now I’m sleepy. You’d think someone pushing 40 would have figured out how to go to bed on time, but no. I act like a little […]
In which it’s a beautiful day. It’s gorgeous out. Gorgeous! Warm and breezy and balmy. If I weren’t still so pleased to be employed, I’d be bitching about wanting to go outside and play! The site I mentioned yesterday went down about five minutes after I posted, and is still down. I wonder if I […]
In which I miss the loss of unlimited naptime, but otherwise feel pretty damn positive. Bonus: includes the return of nested parentheses! Overheard at work today: “Yeah, I understand that. I just don’t understand how a buffer overflow translates to root access.” (Rampant nerd-speak! I love my job!) I spent about eleventy hours this weekend […]
I which I totally agree. According to my roommate Truck, these are the four dirtiest syllables in the English language: cocktail weenie “Because,” he explains, “the phrase ‘cocktail assfuck’ would just be redundant.” In other news, will turn six years old on Friday!
In which I feel a change a-coming. It’s official. I didn’t get the office manager job. (I think the HR woman wanted to hire me but got overruled, but that’s just a gut feeling and I may have manufactured it to make myself feel better. I wanted that job, damn it.) I’m going to drive […]
In which I complain. I need a simple, clean, working 3-column WP theme (because I’m tired of the one I’ve been using for the past two years or so!). Today I went to the Theme Viewer, searched for Widget-ready 3-column themes, downloaded six of them, and tested them out. Three didn’t work at all — […]
In which I’ve not done shit. I’ve slept about twenty of the past forty hours, I think. Or I’ve at least spent them in bed, either sleeping or listening to my iPod. I no longer get the cramps I was getting last year (the ones that made me weep for hours and contemplate performing an […]
In which I’m eavesdropping on AmmZon and Jonq in the living room. Jonq, who is a bartender and dropped by here on her way home from work, just told a driving joke. I repeat it here for your amusement: Ninety-four percent of the population, when skidding toward a ditch, say, “Oh shit!” But Iowans say, […]
In which the holiday is just plain bugging me. I’ve rarely been single on Valentine’s Day. In the past, I’ve approached the day with either a studied indifference or a banked hope that I might get a little something nice… I’ve rarely had the sense to date guys who were willing to celebrate with chocolates […]
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
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- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer