In which I tell you about my lunch break. I went home for lunch because I have no cash. I passed The Ex and Truck on the way down 2nd street as they were going the other way in the Big Black Truck. Truck called me and said, “Your brake light is out again. I […]
In which I’m doing a lovely meme. Vuboq did a meme and now I’m doing it too because I follow Vuboq everywhere. (Yes, dad, even off cliffs.) Here are the questions Vuboq wrote just especially for me: 1. Why are you still in Iowa? Because it’s easy to live here. It’s cheap. It’s safe. It’s […]
In which I’m anonymous. I just went to the falafel place for dinner. While I was ordering, I noticed that someone had printed out my review of the restaurant and brought it in to them. It was sitting on the counter near the register. All authorship had been stripped from the document, and only the […]
In which this is a more cheerful post than yesterday’s. The Curse, I think it’s ending. Yay! The weather, I think it’s gorgeous! Yay! The Taco John’s, they make really good fresh lemonade and I have some! Yay! I bought some new shampoo at Everybody’s recently, and it’s made my hair all bouncy and curly. […]
In which there is now a nationwide ban on a particular type of abortion procedure. The term ‘partial birth abortion’ was coined by a right-to-lifer (Congressman Charles Canady, R-Fla) expressly to fuel an already volatile debate. However, as much as I hate to admit it, the term is a fair description of a fairly horrific […]
In which I feel gross. The Curse. It has arrived. I thought it had arrived on Saturday, but then today rolled around and I realized that the weekend had been only the precursor. Cramps come in many varieties of intensity, yea verily. When I was younger and had three-day discomfortless periods, I thought women who […]
In which he will be mourned. Vonnegut died at age 84 yesterday. I’m deeply sad. He will always be one of my favorite authors. The man was brilliant. His works changed the way I think. The hours I spent reading Vonnegut were among the best of my reading career. Whenever I finished reading him, I […]
In which I tell you all about my new restaurant crush. I just drove up Burlington street to the Istanbul Grill and ordered lunch. For $5.95 I got a falafel pita, fries, and a cup of lentil soup. Vegetarian lentil soup, even! They forgot to give me a spoon, but I still *heart* them. They […]
In which I’m just not HAPPY with the way the ‘box looks, damn it. I’m still trying to find a template that I like. I used one for a year that I loved — it was simple and clean — but change is good. I think this one will work, once I get it tweaked […]
In which this email is old, but still makes me laugh every time I receive it. Fall Classes for Men at THE ADULT LEARNING CENTER REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED by Monday, Aug 30, 2007 NOTE: DUE TO THE COMPLEXITY AND DIFFICULTY LEVEL OF THEIR CONTENTS, CLASS SIZES WILL BE LIMITED TO 8 PARTICIPANTS MAXIMUM. Class […]
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer