In which I take a whole day and totally girl out with myself. Sunday I gave myself a pedicure. And a manicure, too. I painted all 20 of my nails frosty pink while sitting on the front porch in the breeze and sun, drinking a beer and talking with Bghead and Truck and AmmZon as […]
In which if it weren’t so boring, it’d be shocking how boring it is. Today I accomplished the following: Slept in. Made lunch. Made coffee. Ate. Dipped Bindu (because fleas are evil and deserve to die). Took a nap. Walked to the Dead Cock for a veggie burger and some drinks. Walked home. Read several […]
In which I’m sad. And inconvenienced. On the way to work yesterday, the jeep started coughing and huffing as if it were running out of gas but I’d just put gas in it. I pulled off onto 6th street. The jeep died. I put it in neutral and tried to get it into a parking […]
In which there’s really nothing worth reporting and you shouldn’t even be reading this because you’re far too cool a person to waste time on an entry like this. Friday evening I went over to hang out with Raybo and Tsunami, but after visiting with them for only a bit The Curse arrived, and I […]
In which it’s not where I thought it was. When I went to The Ex’s earlier this week, I got my external USB HD and pulled my other drive right out of my old computer. Today I settled down with Truck’s laptop, my enclosure, the hard drives, and a screwdriver to reunite myself with my […]
In which I do some maintenance. For the good of the household. When I got on the laptop today, there was a new icon in the systray and every few minutes it would launch a popup to tell me that the machine is infested with spyware. I think it came bundled with a codec I […]
In which there was an electronic exchange between myself and my bro-there. Jayrob 7:03 pm: These are the ducks at my work telling me about the day. Mush 7:08pm: Egad! Quackers! Where’s the soup? Jayrob 9:23pm: Every day those lil fuckers waddle right up to me on my break and try to control my mind. […]
In which Vuboq thinks I’m crazy. I say watermelon is sold by the pound. Vuboq says they’re sold by the piece. What do you think? Fifteen of the first 17 votes were Vuboq, btw. RESULTS ARE IN!: 4 to 20, in favor of by the pound.
In which I babble about a few unrelated things – mostly technical, some travel. Three days ago I installed a WP plugin called Bad Behavior. It stops bots from leaving comments on the site, and therefore reduces bandwidth usage. In the brief time Bad Behavior’s been installed, it’s stopped 1680 access attempts. Which makes me […]
In which we talk about comments spam and ID3 tags. We’ve been getting utterly hammered here at goblinbox by spam comment bots for lo, these past 12 hours, and Askimet isn’t catching them because they don’t have any links and they’re not from known IPs! It’s crazy! Bandwidth-eatin’ mofos, a pox upon you all: I’ve […]
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer