In which we visit chez DeSchepper-Flora, and eat.

Saturday night a group of us descended upon Mr. J in his home, at the behest of his woman, to celebrate his birfday. She’d made nachos, soup, and appetizers, and there were cookies and pie and a variety of tasty beverages. Hilarity ensued.

Actually, both Bread and I took naps while we were there. (They provide a comfortable atmosphere, to their credit, those Flora-DeScheppers.)

Because these events always sex-segregate, I hung out with T. and J. and Amazon Blonde. We gossipped and looked at T.’s new line of jewelry until Amazon Blonde had to leave for work. And the menfolk ate much pie, seated on the couches watching TV.

We all went through their discarded A/V pile before leaving; I took a couple of DVDs and a CD and Bread snagged a few CDs himself.

All in all, a fabulous evening. God but it’s nice to have actual friends!


2 Responses to Second Birthday

  1. katana says:

    “God but it’s nice to have actual friends!”

    Right back at ya! It was a wonderful birfday (if I do say so myself), and it was really REALLY nice to have some actual live people (as opposed to furry 4-legs) in the house again! πŸ™‚

  2. Mush says:

    So much better than virtual friends, I always say. πŸ˜‰