In which I can’t think of anything clever, so will bore you with a few mundane details just so you know I’m thinking of you.

My fingers still hurt from playing my guitar.

I’m not sure I’m in love with the idea of an always-home, unemployed husband. Ahem. (He just read this line and said, “Why?” I said, “Because you’re in my space.” He sort of chuckled and went out to do something butch with his chainsaw.)

I suck at writing lyrics, which is weird for a vocalist. Don’t you think?

Band practice last night devolved into a two-hour discussion – with pizza and beer – in PK’s living room. I had so much fun. I adore those people. We didn’t play much, but it was fun to hang out.

I’m sick of doing laundry. I do so much goddamned laundry you’d think there were six of us living here instead of two.

I believe I’ll go make a huge pot of chili now. Hope your day is fantastic.


5 Responses to Monday Monday

  1. jjd says:

    hehe. I hate when the old ball (or is it chain?) comes up over my shoulder when I’m posting.

    Chili? yum!

  2. Shigeki says:

    Why? Do you change your clothes like twice or three times a day? It’s so gay if you did that.

  3. jjd says:

    mush, what a great observation/comment on my blog (as usual) you made. Sometimes I’d just like to say that without having to clutter up your fancy place over here. You ought to consider dropping me your email address sometime?

  4. Lady Wyvern says:

    Mush, darlin, when you locate your laundry fairy, tell her to send mine home. 4 loads a day. There are only 4 of us . I have no clue how this happens. and no, we don’t change 2 or 3 times a day.
    Someone explain the nature of laundry because my college educated as* can’t fathom it.

  5. Jessica M. says:

    Jessica M….

    I’m sorry for little off-topic, but I want to ask you about design of this site. Did you make this template yourself or got from any templates website? Looks pretty cool for me :)…