In which I’ll probably not look as young or thin as I once did.

Tonight at House 11 rehearsal we’ll be setting the band room back up (now that the gear is all back from the gig), and then watching the video from New Year’s Eve.


The band will now know about that one verse I made the words up for because I’d forgotten the real ones!

In other news, here’s some poppy pop goodness. It kinda sounds like the theme to the Sopranos, but it’s about Internet porn and I love it.


4 Responses to Rehearsal Tonight

  1. jjd says:

    pff – easy solution, cough loudly and be distracting during all parts in which you f’ed up. voila! problem solved.

  2. I’d always forget the words, but sometimes my lyrics are so much funnier. I am so past thinkin’ that will ever look young or thin again. These days I am thankful that all the body parts are functioning 🙂

  3. enviroboi says:

    I know we love us some poppy pop goodness. and you are the poppy pop goddess. [haha. and i typed “poppy poo” before I changed it. i’m cracking myself up here. i’ll stop.]


    what did you think of the Indian pop?

  4. Mush says:

    jjd ~ they all said it was okay, that section where I made up my own words. But what the hell do they know. Seriously. 😉

    Ggg ~ functionality is goooood.

    Sed ~ LOVE the Indian pop. Thank you thank you thank you, dahlink!