In which I’m flattered, but mildly disturbed.

So I just discovered that there is an image in my gallery – of one of my tattoos – that was hit over nine thousand times in November. (Nine thousand times!) There are even a variety of juvenile comments about how much my ink sucks.

New tattoo

It never occurred to me to turn off comments in my gallery, because who the hell comments on random images?! And even curiouser: who drove all that traffic here in the first place?

Anyway, it’s kinda weird to think that so many strangers have seen my ass crack, that’s all I’m trying to say.

01/04 Update: The images in question are still getting mad hits – over two hundred since yesterday. I put a counter on the pages, and it looks like most of the traffic is coming from my boyfriend Google’s image search function. (Oh, you didn’t know Google is my boyfriend? Well ya live an’ learn, dontcha!)

Update: I upgraded to Gallery 2.1 and lost my comments. *sigh*


5 Responses to Freaky

  1. EnviroBoi says:

    the ass crack that launched a thousand hits.

    how cool is that? i’m so jealous. people pay me to keep my ass crack off the internet. eh. it’s a living.

    should “ass crack” be one word? like a compound noun?

  2. Mush says:

    “The ass crack that launched a thousand hits”! LOL! Oh you’re HURTING me! Haha!

  3. Cootera says:

    I find it mildly amusing that most of the negative comments on your ink came from grammar/spelling-challenged cretins. But 9000 hits? Wow… I’m in some serious frikkin’ awe o’ yer stats, Mush.

  4. Jalal says:

    Plan 1 : Put a picture of my ass crack on the internet and get 7,000 hits.

    Plan 2 : Behave like a normal human being and not take part in cheap tactics to get more people to read my blog.

    Choices, choices.

  5. Mush says:

    Coot ~ Yeah, I get traffic, bitch. 😉

    Jalalallalallal ~ GO FOR THE ASS CRACK. It’s what the Internet is FOR.