In which nothing is being done.

It seems like half the office is out sick today. It’s really quiet at work. The people who are here have coughs and sniffles. It’s snowing outside.

I had take-out from India Cafe for lunch today. I really like their channa masala. I searched for a recipe for it, and found this site with several good recipes. (Check out the sushi recipe. It’s adorable.)

While we’re on the subject of cool food-related links, check out this little number: type in what you’ve got in your fridge, and it will find recipes matching those ingredients. Is that not brilliant?

And since I’m linking, KF sent me a link to Cute Overload and nearly fucking killed me. It takes a minute to sink in, but by the end of the page you’ll fully be giggling.

Tonight I have a House 11 rehearsal. Tomorrow, a gig at Morningstar Studio. Saturday, another gig at Morningstar. Sunday, another House 11 rehearsal. This whole ‘doing music again’ thing is proving to be damn fun.

I’m sleepy, and it’s dark and cold out. I prefer summer to winter by about a million bajillion percent.


9 Responses to Grey Day

  1. 80 says:

    That foodie view thing kinda kicks ass.

  2. Shigeki says:

    OH MY GOD. I don’t wanna “show-off” but I really reallly should Sushi-Roll post as I usually make some drawing out of it. 🙂

    Everybody seems to be sick in my office, too. I guess the flue season has arrived. I know you know but make sure you hydrated enough for your cool gigs! Good luck to ya

  3. Enviroboi says:

    I found Cute Overload yesterday too and LOVED IT!!! Pictures so cute you want to claw your eyeballs out.

    and, Shigeki, show off. That’s an order.

  4. Mush says:

    Yes, Shigeki, make us a sushi recipe! Do!

  5. Abdul says:

    foodview does kickass 😀
    Now only if i wasn’t soo lazy…

  6. Jim@HiTek says:

    Where I come from, sushi is called bait. And it is.

  7. keef says:

    Foodieview! That’s my buddy Howie! That’s COOL!

  8. Mush says:

    Oh, yeah: I got the Foodieview link from keef.

  9. 80 says:

    Go Keef!
    Love the link, and miss the guy. Where’s Keef?