In which another’s misfortune makes Bread feel better.

Yesterday Bread had a Bad Day At Work. Apparently he got bitched out for something he didn’t do; all the windows (which were totally finished and painted) at the jobsite in question had been set 3/4″ too low while he was working at a totally different jobsite. He’d had, in short, absolutely nothing to do with that particular SNAFU whatsoever, but got yelled at for it and had to spend his day ripping out twenty windows and resetting them by cutting 3/4″ out of the headers.

The whole thing made him mad and cast a pall upon his whole day. But seeing this,

josh\'s truck

which is Jimbo’s little brother’s truck on its side, made him feel ever so much better. So much better, in fact, that he actually snapped a picture of it and told me to post it on my site.

Which I have.

(Jimbo’s little brother drove the truck away after Bread and Jimbo helped him get it wheels-down again. No harm done, other than all the windows being broken.)


4 Responses to Bad Day

  1. Enviroboi says:

    was the accident caused by the scary hairy smokey looking thing crawling out it? aliens? eek.

  2. Jalal says:

    May Allah keep us all in his protection and let us live our lives to the fullest, never fearing the inevitable, and achieve eternity.

  3. Cootera says:

    Ah, a boy and his schadenfreude… By the way, it totally cracks me up that you’re referring to your dear hubby as a food item… or money… or a cheesy band.

  4. birdfarm says:

    That makes me feel better too. Thanks. 🙂

    who the hell cares about 3/4″ up or down? What difference does it make???