In which I discover I hadn’t moved my old old blog folder over to the new server.
Gregg tagged me with a ‘meme’. I forgive him because not only does he have three G’s in his first name, but he’s also a man who isn’t gay and yet still occasionally comments on my blog. (My small straight male readership is loyal, but chatty they’re not.)
Anyway, onto the meme:
1. Delve into your blog archive.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions. Ponder it for meaning, subtext or hidden agendas.
5. Tag five people to do the same.
My 23rd post is about the weather, snow actually. The sentence is, “You’re still coming down, aren’t you!”
It’s not really my 23rd post. I mean, I couldn’t even find my actual 23rd blog post, since I wasn’t even using a CMS back then. Actually, my only remaining original 23rd blog post is here, and it says, “06.18.00 I love my device. I love I love Peek-A-Book!” That was not my first 23rd blog post, however, because that was posted on my long-defunct first web site,, which is totally gone forever.
As for meaning, subtext or hidden agenda? Well, it could easily be a metaphor for my crumbling social life, as in, You’re still coming down, aren’t you! I mean, you’re still coming over to my house? We’re going to hang out, right? Right?
Ah, the joys of country living.
Anyway, don’t worry, I’m not going to tag anyone. Do it if you want, don’t if you don’t. (But if you do, link back or I’ll cry.)
11 Responses to You're still coming down, aren't you!
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer
Mush- Crumbling social life? You? Is that possible? So, what device do you love and what is a peek-a-book? Is it anything like an Oral B vibrating toothbrush?
So is it true that “Straight men don’t do blogs?” I can live with that, but where does that leave me? I think I could get into being gay. I like the lifestyle and the people. I could even learn to appreciate keeping pink shirts in my office drawer for emergencies. But in the end, when I wake up in the morning to a warm body pressing against me and in the throws of love making, I sure hope it’s a woman. I don’t always understand their minds, but boy do I like the equipment 🙂 -Gregg
LOL! That “boy do I like the equipment” comment cracked me up.
I was just wondering the same thing: where *are* the straight men’s blogs? Two of the guys in my office have blogs; one hasn’t posted in a year, the other only blogs about politics. The men who really blog are geeks who do it half just for the fun of playing with the technology, or they blog about politics or in other narrowly defined specialist tracks.
You yourself blog, I think, because you’re both a geek and you’ve had therapy so have learned that non-specific personal expression can be helpful.
I’ve been realizing lately that I don’t have the social life I want. Over the years, I’ve sort of ended up in this weird isolation… this meme post came out more bitter than I intended but I’ll let it stand. I’m still committed to my midlife crisis, you know. 😕
That’s so interesting. The majority of bloggers blogging in Japanese are straight or sexually confused closeted case. By the by, I am going to put a tangeline shirt in my drawer for the next spare. 😛
Do you actually own a tangerine shirt?!? Can you BE that gay? (lol)
One of my (male) coworkers has a blog:
He’s one of the few (real-life) programmers I know that actually enjoys the technology part of work things. I’m not sure about the Therapy aspect of straight-male blogging, but he seems to enjoy it. (It’s almost like a “post card to home” kind of writ.)
Also, you’re familiar with “When Knitting Was a Manly Art”, no?
I think, taken out of context, you can read whatever meaning you want into any text/phrase/sentence/whatever.
To me, “You’re still coming down, aren’t you?” sounds like a question to a friend. In reference to weather though, RAIN automatically pops into my head.
Which reminds me: it rains lots here (you know that already). Never ceases to amaze me how many people can live in this kind of environment (RAIN, RAIN, RAIN) and still not -get- that the rain’s just another part of life. If it’s raining, you don’t put your life on hold; just grab an umbrella (if you MUST) and get outside.
(end personal rant)
Today, I really gotta get me outside. 😐
Mush- Ya think its the therapy? You trying to say that too much therapy makes you gay? Here I thought that I blog cuz I love to write 🙂
Shigeki- Do you have matching shoes to go with that Tangerine shirt ? 😉
What’s wrong with Tangerine (damn it should have been spelled R instead of L) ??? It’s a normal color for a fag 🙂 As a matter of fact, my spare shirt in my drawer here is now Tangerine with small floral prints. My brown loafers would go great with it. 🙂
-shigeki OMG!! I can’t believe you spelled Tangerine with an L. That is like a teasing someone about a having really bad Japanese accent.
By the way, I will let you too in on a little secret. I have a tattoo on my butt that looks just like this face 😛
Oh yeah?*/
I know. I should’ve gone for “Organe” but I wanted to be precise. you see, I’ve never used a word “TangeLine” in my life before. 😥 A smiley tattoo on your buttock? wow, that’s so wild. 🙂
Gregg ~ Yes, therapy makes you gay. Actually, no, it makes you more feminine. So in your case, it makes you a lesbian.
Shigeki ~ Tangeline! LOL!
Kevin ~ The wayback’s URL shows “,” not I think I have that stuff in my blog archives! It’s confusing, the whole multiple blogs over multiple servers over multiple years.