In which there are two good things.

Good thing the first is that yesterday I signed an NDA and a contractor’s agreement and filled out a W9, and Monday I start breaking software for money. Yay! I know no details at all about the project’s expected longevity, but who knows – I might get lucky!

Good thing the second is that today is the Bronze Blues & Brews festival in Joseph, OR. The festival ends at ten, and Coyote Kings (featuring: me!) will be the only band playing in town tonight. We’ve already invited tons of the musicians who are booked at the festival, and it should turn out to be the Best Jam Ever.


4 Responses to Did I mention that I'm a QA contractor now?

  1. Jim@HiTek says:

    Yeah! for you!!!

    Yay! -m

  2. josh says:

    I don’t know what “QA” is…but congratulationz!

    It’s “quality assurance.” It means I break software and tell the programmers how I did it. Yay! -m

  3. Craig says:

    Awesome! Congratulations!

  4. Naughty says:

    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!

