I got sick of all the spam. And the bounces on messages I didn’t even send. Argh.
Therefore, I have disabled all my old email addresses. All of ’em. Every single last one. My new address is posted in Rants, and of course you can always reach me using Rants’ messaging feature or the Feedback form.
Damn spammers. I hate them!
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- sathyabh.at*
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer