In which there are a few unrelated things.

Good news! I got half of my CAT/TB response back in the mail already, and my CAT application has been approved! This means that I no longer have to look for work, they’ll just give me my UI benefits until May of 2011.

Yesterday I logged into WWCC’s financial aid portal, and they seem to think I need $16k for three quarters of school. Weird. Tuition and books shouldn’t cost more than six grand.

I also found a list of grants to apply for. Maybe I’ll get lucky and not have to borrow anything at all. How awesome would that be?

My bedroom – the room in which I spend the vast majority of my time – is clean: ALL of my laundry is done and put away, the bed is made, and the trash has been emptied. It’s lovely and coherent up in here.

My awesome currently reading list is awesome.

In the interest of full disclosure, I must report that I’m having a relapse and need to quit smoking. Again.

In other news, my dog is also awesome. Just sayin’.

Update: I’ve been approved for EB (extended benefits) too! This is sweet!


5 Responses to ApPROVED, bitches!

  1. amped! says:

    Congratulations! 🙂
    In my experience, the schools also figure in room & board (cost of living) in their estimate of what you “need” to borrow. If I didn’t have that little extra built into my loans in that last year of school, I would’ve been living much broker than I was. (I think I had $450/month living expenses budget that year. I ate a lot of egg sandwiches and shared my 300 sq ft apartment with my cat. Good times.)

  2. amped! says:

    OH – and is now a thing of the past. I have let the blog go to the ether-world. Read: Feel free to take the link down. If I ever get a blog again, you’ll be among the first to know. 😉

    Ah, okay. I’ll de-link you! -m

  3. Kris says:

    Awesome! This is good news Mush.. *hugs

    Thanks. It’s something to do while the economy recovers, at least. If it recovers. -m

  4. Brad says:

    Some very good news indeed! That dog of yours? You don’t have to convince me, she’s adorable! The smoking thing? It will happen for you! I’m feeling so damned positive today and I can’t quit with the exclamation points! Le smooch!

    Yay! Brad! *smooch*! -m

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