In which I make an admission. And then we move on, people! Nothing to see here!

Okay, so, like, yeah: last week was an embarrassing series of over-indulgences. I overate, I partied all night (booze ain’t diet food, and neither was that nacho cheese served at afterhours), and yes, I smoked cigarettes too. (Not a lot, but even one is too many. Those fucking things.) I didn’t do my Friday exercises, and I think I did maybe twenty minutes of cardio the whole week.

I haven’t weighed yet today, but there’s no way I shed two pounds, not with that Chinese vegetarian M-1 platter debacle. And those chocolates! Oh, and the Pepsi I decided I couldn’t live without. And the late night snacks. Argh!

Today begins a new week, though. A week in which I’m back on the diet, exercise, and non-smoking wagon of Self Love. This is a lovely, shiny new week. A week of awesome!

This post has been brought to you by the letter SHAME and the number CONFESSION.


2 Responses to Epic Self-Discipline Fail Week

  1. Michelle M. says:

    Hurray for the week of awesome. Last week never happened anyway.

    Excellent news! -m

  2. Brad says:

    Yep. Just move on. You’re still winning.

    Thanks, hon. -m