In which I share a brief list of my recent activities.

Sunday night I set my alarm for 8 o’clock because I believe that I need to start getting my sleep cycle back to normal grown-up hours. Monday I got up at 8:30, which is much better than 2 o’clock, and drank a very large cup of coffee to keep myself that way.

With all that daylight I accomplished bathing, walking, visiting the post office, returning social phone calls, and filing my taxes. I read the NYT, finished a book, and started two more.

I bought tofu at the store and made an awesome Japanese curry and ate it over noodles, then I did the dishes.

I installed Python 2.6 and IDLE and worked through several pages of an online Python tutorial.

In the evening, The Three Js blew up my phone with texts so I caved to peer pressure and went and played Wii bowling with them at the PnE (Jules has decided we must henceforth call it “the Peony”). My Wii bowling is exactly like my IRL bowling, which is sort of disturbing, really.

The Three J’s took off around eleven and I ended up hanging out with some musicians I know. We went to The Green, and then to three different after-hours parties (only one of which existed), and after that, well, I may have unexpectedly spent three entire hours making out while parked in a driveway like a sixteen-year-old and not gotten home until dawn. Oops.

It was freakin’ awesome, btw.

I slept from 7 until about noon. I’m so tired my brain is literally buzzing.

There may or may not be a dinner party with The Three Js this evening. If not, there’s a birthday party at the PnE, or I might just pass out, except I really want to be on a normal schedule.

Unemployment is kicking my arse.


2 Responses to Accomplishments! Sorta.

  1. phx says:

    woo hoo for a three-hour make-out session! did you know the person? 😉

    Yay! And yes, I’d already had the number in my cell phone. 😉 -m

  2. josh says:

    Extended-play makey-outey sessionz [feat. cramped inside a car] are one of life’s shiniest treasurezzz!

    You’re so right! It was super groovy. I don’t even mind the bruise from the steering wheel. -m