My work computer has died a hard death. I think it’s the motherboard, but at first it looked like hard drive failure. So I put in another hard drive and got the same error: “Capable, but disabled.” It can’t use the HDD.
I just rebuilt my work computer last week, meaning I spent a day and a half backing up files and fdisking and reinstalling Windows. Meaning I have a full and recent back-up, so the fact that my box ate my hard drive isn’t upsetting me too terribly awfully much…
…but there’s really not a lot around here with which to build myself a new box. We’ve got tons of stuff in here, but it’s mostly old crap. Right now I’m sitting at the back-up server blogging. How much of a big fat dork am I?
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer