In which there’s audio. Low-quality audio!

Today, for fun, after updating system status at work I saved a copy for YOU to listen to:

System Status

Now wasn’t that just thrilling?

In other news, I ordered an R/C Dalek today. Yea verily, superiority SHALL BE MINE!!!



5 Responses to Sometimes I do this ten times a week.

  1. pj says:

    So. Glad. That you shared that audio file. Could you sing it next time?

    Um… no. No, I could not. 🙂 -m

  2. naomi says:

    very professional, especially considering the boss made you get out of bed an hour too early yesterday.

    pj has a great idea! you should sing the status message 😀

    A whole ENTIRE hour early!!! -m

  3. Glenn says:

    You must make a video if you really get the Dalek.

    I cannot wait to get the Dalek! Eeep! -m

  4. Jim@HiTek says:

    You might want to remember the hard of hearing and the older folks next time you record that and SLOW DOWN. Why speak so fast? Just askin’.

    It gets sandwiched into the phone tree, so shorter is sweeter. Plus: COFFEE. -m

  5. Jalal says:

    in awe.

    Stunned ya, didn’t I! -m