In which there are a few topics.
Woke up this morning all cuddled up with teh BF in his bed, which we affectionately call “The Taco” because it’s 30 years old and has a ditch in the middle. The fan was going, Bindu was spread out on her pile of blankets and pillows in the corner, I was warm and comfortable and I couldn’t figure out if it was a work day or a weekend because the alarm wasn’t going off.
It turned out to be a work day, damn it.
After awhile, I got motivated enough to get vertical and take the dog out to pee. Kaje made me a cup of tea and we sat on the steps. Then there was eggs and toast, and I got dressed, and we all piled into the Buick to go drop off the dog before work.
They were driving an entire house down Alder street! Two storey, no roof, and power crews moving lines! It was pretty cool.
After changing clothes and getting my teeth brushed at home, we came to work with literally one minute to spare before our shifts began.
My employer deployed home-made office dividers yesterday, so I’m now back in a corner with a little wall next to me. The dividers are dark gray, and my desk is black… it’s pretty gloomy.
Add the wretched overhead florescent lighting and it’s just like a real cubicle farm! I need a lamp in here, something with mellow incandescent lighting. The glare of the overhead’s killing me, now that all the furniture is black, but I do kinda like my little cubie.
I’m going to buy myself something electronic and cute for Xmas this year. (Like that’s a surprising announcement, eh?) To that end, I’ve been surfing the Apple store with a vengeance and I’ve updated my ThinkGeek wishlist too.
On the want list so far is a new iPod (my 30Gb is full), a new laptop or mini (because mine’s falling apart in its old age and therefore isn’t very portable, plus the sound output is hashed), or a Kindle (because while the eBook is cute, it ain’t wireless).
Also being considered are a new digital camera or a new cell phone, but those babies are pretty low on the list because I’d probably never carry a real camera – I use my phone – and phone replacement just happens when it happens and there’s no point in planning for it.
I can’t wait to go to Vegas. I can’t wait to go to Vegas. I can’t wait to go to Vegas! For my birthday!
In other news, I upgraded to Firefox 3 and my computer didn’t explode.
4 Responses to Tuesdays: they're so exciting.
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer
finding your comments was a bitch of a job.
check out chris baldwin’s comic blog. he does commissions where he’ll draw your day. scroll down to: posted 8/9/08 – (“8/7/08”) – anchors away
when i saw that i immediately thought of you.
Aw, Amma! <3 -m
the taco… lol… that reminds me of our old bed… the one we BROKE the day we moved to our new place. oops.
when is vegas? when is vegas? when is vegas? i’m so excited for you. yay!
It’s 9/28 – 10/3. I’m so excited too! -m
You might wanna think twice about getting a Vista machine. There is only one Vista machine in my life, Petra’s new Acer laptop, and Vista is the biggest pile of steaming crap to come out of Redmond since WinME. They went out of their way to make stuff difficult to find, and some stuff just flat out doesn’t work with it (like FireFTP, which works fine on my XP boxen but won’t under Vista.) Every time I have to endure even a few minutes with Vista, I walk away, completely flabbergasted that a company would put out such a colossally poor product.
Gawd, yes. I loathe Vista. I wouldn’t run it; would load XP or some flavor of Linux. -m
If you’re gonna go with XP, just make sure to research whether XP will even run on it. Apparently, some laptops are designed solely with Vista in mind, and they don’t even bother to write XP drivers for the proprietary hardware. If I were in the market for a laptop computer, I’d either buy a used XP machine or buy a new one from a company that still offers XP (like ).
Noted. Vista, like herpes, is everywhere. One must be vigilant! *giggle* -m