In which I get money for nothin’. (But no chicks for free.)

First of all, I haven’t washed my hair in 3 days, and I just want to get that out of the way before we go any further. Full disclosure and all that.

Yesterday afternoon RB left me a voicemail message at work saying that Sapolil Cellars‘ musicians had canceled and did I want to sing for money? I said hell yeah, and walked over there after I clocked out of work at eight. I stood next to the grand piano and sang totally unrehearsed songs with a piano player I’ve never played with and RB on electric. Eventually I got a mic, but I did the first several songs totally unplugged. The audience was gracious and attentive, because wine is a very social kind of drunk.

The vintner gave me two glasses of really good 2006 Syrah wine, told me I was a great singer, and then gave me fifty bucks! Who could ask for anything more?

After the gig – if I can even call such an impromptu setting that – we mingled a bit, and then RB gave me a ride home. I had a bowl of lentil soup and an awesome baby spinach salad and went to bed.

I’m gonna put the cash toward a gig clothes fund. I have no cute gig clothes.

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4 Responses to Another Chichi Wine Event! (It's like I'm in wine country or something!)

  1. seth says:

    You could market yourself as the the Cabernet Cabaret singer! Awesome, though I think your singing talents are worth at least $75 bucks an hour, plus tips!

    Why thank you! -m

  2. Jay-Rob says:

    ACK! Unwashed hair makes you type weird!

    So true! -m

  3. RB says:

    I’m the princess?!?!?! I beg to differ, your highness.

    No matter what you’re called, you’re still high maintenance. *cackle* -m

  4. Pavix says:

    woohoo! you’re giggin AND having good soup? My envy for you is as thick as butter! Glad you’re having fun where you’re at.

    Hey you! Long time no hear from! -m