In which I’ve made it!

I took a commuter flight from CID (Cedar Rapids, IA) to ORD (Chicago O’hare). Then I took a big ass jet from ORD to PDX (Portland, OR) where my kick-ass baby brother picked me up and promptly took me to a dive bar so I could decompress over a few drinks.

iPod Pr0nNow I’m at his place and we’re dorking out hardcore (his desktop is gorgeous) on hardware. The image is of our two iPods plugged into his tower. (No, iTunes doesn’t know what to do when you connect two iPods simultaneously. We don’t suggest you try it if you’re not a card-carrying FUCKING GEEK.)

Jay-rob’s giving me his iPod and I’m giving him mine. Right now he’s loading an assload of Todd Rundgren onto my new iPod BECAUSE HE’S SUPERIOR IN ALL WAYS.

Bro-there’s are excellent. You should get one, if you don’t already have one.

Tomorrow, we’re driving up the Gorge to Walla Walla to see the fam-damily for gramma’s 85th birthday celebration. Whee!


9 Responses to Greetings From The Left Coast

  1. Nikol says:

    YAY! Happy Birthday, Gramma! 🙂

  2. Brad says:

    Oooo. That is a pretty tower. I’ll bet it looks even better on the inside!

  3. naomi says:

    your gran is only a few months older than my dad. so, that means you’re way too young to be filming iporn with ipods having sex on a computer. that’s just so idirty.

  4. bj says:

    saw todd with the new cars over summer, incredible musician.

  5. Jalal says:

    Looks like my PC. Just that mine is bigger and more powerful and has a MUCH larger collection of pron.

    * Sits in the corner and sulks *

  6. phx says:

    Brothers definitely kick ass. Yay you made it, let the fun begin!! 😀

  7. reni says:

    say hi to jayrob fer me!

  8. Jay-Rob says:

    Hi Reni!!

  9. reni says:

    hi jay-rob!