In which I use the great power of the Internet to apply for jobs that are far away.
Fairfield was being really cute this morning. People smiled at me in the post office for no good reason, and then I saw Bartender walking to work and she waved at me, and then I saw Baby Girl sitting on her stoop as I drove by and she waved too, and I was all, “I won’t know everybody any more when I move away!”
I feel nervous about giving notice at work. I’ve only been there six months, so I kinda feel like an asshole. They don’t really need me, but still. I’m nervous anyway. (Once I get it done, though, I’ll feel awesome! Nothing more real than giving notice at work, am I right?)
I applied for what sounds like a kick-ass help desk job in Wyoming (yes, I know I don’t want to live there, but beggars can’t be choosers and it is on my way… right on I-80, as a matter of fact) and two office jobs – via the local workforce development office – in Walla Walla. I don’t know what the help desk job pays, but one of the the office jobs pays $2.29 an hour more than I’m making right now, and it’s just a basic office/clerical job.
Yeah, yeah, I know, cost of living, blah blah blah. The point is, there’s stuff to apply for. Yay!
9 Responses to T Minus 29 Days
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
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- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- Stevers
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer
This whole you-moving thing has got me paying more attention to people lately who either are talking about where they are at or where they are going and why all of it “sucks”. I’m going to let one rip here for a minute on this just because I can but I want to put forth a discliamer that this technically has nothing to do with your particular situation or at least isn’t relevant enough to make you change your mind. So here it goes.
I’m about ready to projectile vomit the next time I hear someone complain bitterly about their geographical location and how the place they are GOING to go to or WANT to go to is so much better…..then a few days later listening to someone else whine about how horrible the place is that the previous person says they want to be. I guess some of this violent reaction is due in part to my own tendency to over-equate my own sense of wellbeing with my physical coordinates. But I pray to god that I’m not as much of victim of this sense of self = where I’m at physically as much as most people I’ve discussed this with. “Move to Austin!! It rules!!” and then from 20 other people who have actually LIVED there for a while: “For the love of god, run for your life. Just leave your pants and pets and don’t look back lest you turn into a pillar of salt.”
I’ve even heard one psuedo enlightened individuals from Fairfield, IA describe Austin as “the edge of Hell”. All the while there’s a whole shitload of people there who are obvioulsy having very good lives and think people are crazy for living anywhere else.
A lot of times it’s just a big-city-versus-a-small- rural-community thing but just about anything in between sucks complete ass to SOMEONE withing earshot of me and my ears are about ready to bleed.
I’ve heard it over and over and over again – even out of my own shameful mouth – how rotten every place in the world is including the place you’re currently in or the place depicted on my t-shirt or cigarette lighter that you may have glanced at one evening and begun having PTSD flashbacks about something bad that happened to you there.
I see why Mush needs to uproot and head west and I see why I (and others) just “NEED” to occasionaly pack up and head south – I do strongly prefer the sunshiny warmth to the cloudy coldness. But, for the love of god, most people just need to SHUT THE FUCK UP or at least begin to accurately articulate what REALLY sucks: THEMSELVES.
“Fairfield is boring.”
“New York is a cesspool.”
“There’s nothing cool enough happening in Atlanta, Des Moines, Kansas City.”
It’s boring, loud, quiet, violent, ugly, pretentious, expensive, i.e. It didn’t absolve you of your own responsibility for maintaining your own sense of fulfillment because, god knows, that’s the job of the air, water, and land around you.
Next 30 times I hear some whiney-ass punk bitch about his/her surroundings I’m going to hand them a fucking mirror then kick their ass if I don’t hear anything in return other than a complete retraction.
Ok, it’s late as fuck and I can hardly keep my eyes open. Must be because this place I’m at sucks so bad.
Kill me.
Perhaps it offends you so very much because you yourself can’t commit to any one place long enough to work up a well-earned hatred for it. 😉 -m
Wow. I was shitfaced. Tee-hee.
Thanks for hanging out with me last night, Mush.
You’re welcome. Thank you for the drinks. -m
HOORAY on the job availablility. I hope you find one you like!
Thank you! Me too! -m
Well said, head. But the fact is that people need to trash where they are in order to muster up the courage to take a chance on going somewhere else. It’s like in the genes or something. It’s part of the baggage. Comes with it’s own zipper.
And sometimes here does suck. -m
I suppose so.
Consider, if you will, that some of us might even be smart enough to be saying, “I don’t like who I am here,” rather than “this place sucks.” -m
Wow, didn’t know I was surrounded by armchair shrinks. Perhaps you don’t like who you are there because that ‘who’ SUCKS!
JMHO. Much love.
LOL -m
“Consider, if you will, that some of us might even be smart enough to be saying, ‘I don’t like who I am here,’ rather than “this place sucks.” – M
That’ll work. That’s a hell of a lot better than labeling all of external reality as innately sucking – what most people seem to be doing.
They’re often doing things other than merely what they seem to be doing. *shrug* -m
I am so excited for you! This plan sounds so great!
I am having all of those same feelings about Iowa. Hell, I went to Chicago last weekend, which I am not crazy about at all, and I began thinking more seriously about a change of scenery for a while for us.
Go get it Mushlette! It’s so beautiful there.
Can we hang out before you go? puh-leeeease?
Come live in the Northwest with me! -m
Jobs to apply for are a good thing. I suppose I should get busy trying to do in Ohio. Maybe after I fly home….
The Internet rocks. -m