In which you will please let me know.

I think I have the new theme tweaked to render the way I want it to in all the various browsers… I don’t like the font size in IE or Opera and will have to figure out how to address that later, but otherwise it seems to be working.

If you notice anything wonky about the layout or function of the site, please let me know in case I haven’t seen it yet?

It’s five o’clock. Walkin’ home now.


5 Responses to New Theme

  1. Jim@HiTek says:

    It sucks. Except when it doesn’t.

    I love it. Meaning I hate it. Clear? Good.

    Internal dialogs should probably be unwritten.

    My GOD you’re weird, dad. -m

  2. reni says:

    it’s so pretty here!

    You’re pretty! *smooch* -m

  3. Alex says:

    It works fine in Firefox. For some odd reason, though, I’m always irritated by movable objects on a page that insist on staying at the top of the page as the page scrolls.

    Ah, you find the scrolling tabs on the left annoying. Hmm. Now that you mention it, I kinda do, too. -m

  4. soy vuboq says:

    I, too, am slightly annoyed by the tabby-thingies. I like the colors though 🙂

    Damn tabs! -m

  5. Jayrob says:

    I can dig it.

    If the tabs were stationary instead of trying to “catch up” to the rest of the page they’d be cool. Ditto on the color.

    You wish the color were stationary?! -m