In which I’m overhung. (Shh. Be vewy quiet. Pweese.)
KR apparently stopped at every microbrewery between Ellensburg, WA and here and bought beer, so he had a tasting party at his house last night! I liked the Rodeo IPA.
I also liked eating J’s fresh salsa. Yum.
After nine, most of us wandered over to the HH, and the JCGB had a lovely public practice.
I bought myself two drinks, but drank many more than that. Some dude who remembers me from the Barnstormer days was buying. I danced with hot girls and sang blues and danced some more. I had a really good time. I got much drunker than I intended to.
Woke up dead this morning, but AmmZon made coffee ’cause she’s cool like that.
I need to rip the JCGB CDs to my iPod so I can learn backup parts to their originals.
In other news, I tried to register the email address goblinbox at, but the username was TAKEN!!! (By this person.) Which leads us to your assignment, my babies. I want you to teach to me – or make up, if necessary – words for these conditions:
- Sudden interest in an idea, concept, or word, which blooms simultaneously and in seemingly unrelated areas. (i.e. The sudden, simultaneous popularity of certain words all over a country. The simultaneous invention of the same thing by unrelated persons in different countries. The fact that the username goblinbox has always been available until recently.)
- The act of obsessively reading through all of a blogger’s archives in a single sitting. (Over at UF they call it a ‘productivity virus.’)
I want to talk about these ideas fairly regularly, but find the descriptions awkward. A single word for each idea would make me so happy! Plus I always want to increase my vocabulary.
6 Responses to Sang it & drank it
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer
1. Simultaneous inventions? Meh.
Distributed/network conception.
“Reverse salients create the opportunity for simultaneous inventions.”
Oooh, cool. Thx for the link.
2. Catching up? C’mon now.
And over at UF, they now suck because they’ve got nags on EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEIR CARTOONS. So I don’t read that crap anymore.
Nags? -m
Ralient, ray lee ent, the occurrence of simultaneous invention.
Nice. -m
1. to annoy by persistent faultfinding, complaints, or demands.
Oh. Ah. I don’t read UF regularly any more. I didn’t know. -m
‘Meme’ seconded. But then you don’t care for Richard Dawkins do you?
Meme doesn’t mean what it used to mean. Now it means ‘annoying little viral thing on the web.’ Words change, I guess we gotta let ’em.
I don’t mind Dawkins in particular, just the whole “Creationists are stupid, so I have to be the polar opposite and in effect be just as bad as they are” thing. Evolution and creationism do not have to be mutually exclusive. The either/or debate stops people from considering that perhaps ‘the world’ (not Earth, but all manifest matter) was made specifically to evolve just as it appears to have done. That evolution exists – and it sure appears to exist to me – does not negate the possibility of an ultimate being, and that’s the flaw in logic that bugs me. These anti-creationist Western thinkers have this idea of God they learned from the Bible, and one which I think is strangely limited. There is other religious material – the Vedas, for example – that does not claim the world was made in a week (totally preposterous), nor that God is some aged caucasian male with a beard and a bad temper. Perhaps God is a fundamental underlying substructure of the Universe… a substructure which happens to possess, among all other qualities, the quality of self-awareness that our own meager self-awareness is a tiny reflection of. -m
Seemingly random thoughts that appear in a cross-cultural sampling are called “archetypes.” The form of the word can also be “archtypical.” If you look at the writings of the ancient Chinese, Native Americans and some civilizations in the former Ottoman empire, you will see references to “Mush.” Mush is a cross-pollinating archetype that runs through many cultures…usually slightly drunk and occassionally less than fully clothed. It’s true, I swear.
I’m runnin’ thru yr cultures RIGHT NOW, bitches. -m