In which today is a silly holiday. Silly. So silly.
So, I’m Irish. I have some Irish blood, at any rate, but my family never observed any notable Irish behaviors. Anyway, St. Patrick’s Day is just a weird holiday, the way it’s celebrated here. Green beer, and adults punching one another if they don’t spot green clothing? Dorky, if you ask me, which you may as well have.
I’m wearing Army-green pants. (Not by design, they’re just what I grabbed.) They’ll just have to do. And if I get punched? I will certainly annoy the hell out of me ’cause I’ve been out of high school for a loooong time, bitches.
I will shortly be going out for drinks with Baby Girl & Core-Daddy and Raybo. (Raybo needs a drink; she’s been nursing an older sibling with disturbing medical issues up in Iowa City and if her voice on the phone is any indication she’s past ready to let her hair down.)
The Dead Cock is all decorated with green metallic shamrocks from some beer distributor or another, and I hear they’ll be selling Jell-o shots. I’ll probably end up having one even though they’re gross. Because hey, it’s Jell-o.
In other news, she sent me three boxes of hair color, and Baby Girl colored my hair for me today! I have dark red hair now; it turned out great. I haven’t colored my hair in so long that it was all my natural color (which is an utterly non-descript medium brown). I’d post a pic but it’s dark out and my cell phone camera doesn’t have a flash, so you can’t tell it’s red. But it is red. Red! Dark red.
6 Responses to Happy St. Pat's
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Red is the new fabulous.
And you are the new pink! -m
What kind of mental issues? Are they dangerous?
Medical issues. They think she’s reacting to a med she’s been on for a long time. -m
I think it’s pinched, not punched, yes?
Maybe just in my family. Still pretty stupid.
Pinched, punched… either way, silly. -m
Pinching? So high school, if not junior high. You’re right the way it tends to be celebrated? Just a reason to get drunk for most folks, most distressing. To me anyway.
Red? I am certain it looks fabulous, but I still need a photo babe!
Photo coming soon. -m
I’ve heard about green beer but haven’t seen it myself. jell-o. that was my favorite american dessert at a college cafeteria 🙂
Happy belated St. P day.
Jell-o is super fantastic fun fun! -m
The next time a cute guy pinches your butt because you’re not wearing green you’ll have an entirely new attitude about it.
We don’t have any cute guys here. If we did, my attitude would probably be much better. 😉 -m