In which NLW cracks me all the fuck the way up.
The Ever-Handsome Mr J was out of town last night, so NLW called me and took me out to dinner at Pizza Hut. I love that about her. We talked about me, then we talked about her. Then we bought cranberry juice and chocolate sandwich cookies and went to her house and talked about knitting.
We’ve designed the hardest knitting pattern ever, to wit: a nine-foot long Entrelac scarf, knit in the round on size 0 needles, with steeks! Hah! (“If you knit that, your knitting cock would be so huge that all future knitting would be optional! OPTIONAL!!!”)
Then we surfed Flickr for “entrelac” and decided that Noro Silk Garden (a brand of yarn) really is pretty much made for Entrelac. Then we sighed, “Noro” a few times. Then we decided we need to find some software with which to lay down a thumpin’ house track, and layer recordings of knitters squealing/sighing/screaming various yarn names: “Oooh, Noro!” and “Koigu! Koigu!” and then a few forceful interjections of a Ron Jeremy sound-byte something along the lines of, “UUUUHHHnnnnnnnnggggghhhhh!!!”
Knitting house. It’s funny. It’d get mad play, bitches. MAD play.
6 Responses to The Ron Jeremy Knit-gasm (Big Ram Remix)
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- WoolGatherer
Ok, so I am up for entrelac on 0s despite hating to do scarves, I would be up for that.
Could it be that the size 3s Im doing a Norwegian on are something youd want to try? Think skulls instead of snowflakes
Ok, Im a freak, I get it.
Not only are you a total freak, but I actually said to NLW that you’d be willing to knit a 9-foot Entrelac scarf! Hah! -m
I am no big fan of entrelac. Bun i-cords interwoven to resemble entrelac? OMGGG.
I will probably learn to do Entrelac only because it requires one to learn to knit backwards (since the pattern is basically, k1, turn, p, k2, turn, p, k3, turn, p, k4, turn, p… a lot of turning). -m
you’re seriously bonzo 🙂 i’m glad you had fun.
Not bonzo at all! -m
I have only really knit one thing in my entire life. And one of the yarns used was—
Yep, you guessed it.
Life is weird.
What? Noro?! -m
YOU are a knittin’ kitten, kitten!
Aww. Kitten. If only I didn’t know that’s an insult! 😉 -m
Purling is no biggie. Me and the purl stitch are like THIS. We rock.
Also. Did I mention how intensely white-hot jealous I am of your awesome look at the moment? This layout kicks my ass.
Do you know what I adore? YOU. That’s what. -m