In which there’s some good news… for once.

We don’t have to move! AmmZon’s mother has offered to sell her the house, and at a remarkably reasonable price. AmmZon is considering it, and in the meanwhile: we’re not evicted! Yay! I can stay here until I get a job and an apartment!

My previous employer — the one that laid me off last June — is hiring again. I sent in my resume today. Maybe they’ll hire me back. (I think I’ll go in tomorrow and sit on the HR person’s desk… for like an hour. Or three. Maybe she’ll hire me just to get me to leave her the hell alone.)

GauntletOn the knitting front, I finished my first gray gauntlet and have started the second one. The fabric is much firmer made of the superwash wool sock yarn I used, and I really like the way this one fits and feels. The one I made out of the bamboo yarn has in barely twenty minutes of wear lost its shape and is beginning to pill up, so clearly that particular yarn is too delicate for a hard-wearing application like gloves. (I’ll probably make the second bamboo one anyway, and give them away, and use the remaining bamboo yarn for something low-impact, like a scarf.)

In other news, I’m downloading Bee Gees dance remixes from Limewire, because, um — well, for no good reason at all, really — and one thing that drives me utterly, incoherently apeshit is mislabeled tracks! Who are these fucking idiots who can’t tell the Bee Gees from Chicago? Or Rick James from Hot Chocolate? Or Hall & Oates from Player? Or Barry White from Marvin Gaye?! WHAT THE FLYING FUCK, people!


5 Responses to On the housing front: a reprieve

  1. V says:

    Yay for not being evicted!
    Yay for employers hiring!
    Yay for you still living down the block!
    Now when are you going to invite yourself over for lunch/dinner?

    Soon! -m

  2. naomi says:

    having a place to live totally rocks the cassbah! i hope you get a job with your old place.

    as to the misnaming of songs, perhaps, just perhaps, they do that on purpose for fun. 🙂 there are people twisted enough to do that (me included)

    Sick, sick, SICK! -m

  3. Lynn says:

    I think you should take the HR person out for drinks at The Dead Cock then make her breakfast. The breakfasts you describe making in this blog always sound so freakin’ good! Good luck on the job front–I am looking like crazy, too!

    Good luck to you as well, mama. *smooch* -m

  4. Phil Plasma says:

    What about people who mistake Hall for Oates and Oates for Hall?

    I know, right?! -m

  5. Henry says:

    Bamboo yarn is an eco textile material. It is green, Natural anti-bacterial,Breathable and Cool. Bambrotex is the largest bamboo fiber and bamboo yarn manufacturer. More bamboo knowledge, pls check the website: