In which I keep busy indoors because it’s too fuckin’ cold to go outside!
I started another pair of gauntlets/wristwarmers. I decided that, as much as I love knitting the bamboo yarn ’cause it’s so freakin’ gorgeous, the colorway doesn’t actually match my clothes. I might finish them and give them away.
I’ve found three jobs at that I’m about to apply for. Two of them are part-time, and one I think I may have already applied for. It’s a pain because I have to call the job center to get the company contact info. I hate calling.
Truck and Bread are watching Jackass in the living room, and they’re giggling like schoolgirls.
Do you realize that people who earn $7 an hour are earning only $280 a week? Who the fuck can live on $280 a week? I mean, I can’t afford to take a job that pays less than $10 an hour — it would be better to remain jobless and go on public assistance. Jesus.
I registered at Manpower (and tried to register at Supreme Staffing) today, but neither site lists temp jobs within a 40-mile radius of Fairfield. *sigh* I applied for a month-long temp gig in Cedar Rapids through Kelly Services; if they hire me I’ll have to find someone in Iowa City to crash with.
7 Responses to Knitting and Jobsearching
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It is absolutely ridiculous how easy it’s not to afford life. It’s rip-my-hair-out frustrating.
TELL me about it. Sheesh. -m
This is probably a stupid question, and you may have already answered it, but…why are you only looking in your town? It’s Iowa, after all, and you’ve high -tech skills. Not quite the ideal match. I know your friends and support system are there, and that’s a lot, but…
Of course the idea has occurred to me. At this point, I don’t have enough money to get out of town. I still need to get my stuff out of Bread’s house ’cause I’m sure he’s sick of looking at it, I have an eleven-year-old dog I will not give up for any reason, and my vehicle needs work. Basically I need a job so that I can afford to get out of town, if that’s what I decide to do. -m
I actually met a woman that moved here from Iowa after getting a job here in the area. And she’s like ancient lol.. Oh lord, why am I calling her that? She’s a sweet old lady.
But yea, you do have high tech skills and mentioned how you have mortgage and such there. Maybe venturing out a bit, and once you get your feet on the ground go from there. At the same time, moving to a new town sucks. I’m sure something will turn up soon. You deserve better, though of course shit happens that can’t really be explained. It just does.
Anyway, if you do ever need anything, do let us know. I’m sure all of us here will be more than happy to help you in any way we can, even if it’s just to lend an ear (which has been freezing lately lol)
Gud nite!
I hate cold ears! -m
I want you to know that i love you and you are my best friend in the whole world. I love knowing you and you bring joy to my world I am the luckiest person in whole world to know you and be friends with you.
*smooch* -m
When you first added those ads by Google, I would click them every day. Now I find myself forgetting to do that…would you surround the ad box in blue for awhile to jog my memory? Or have it jiggle 5 or 6 times when the page opens? Yeah. That. Cool.
Thanks! Eh, um. I’ll think about it. -m
Not to be crass, but doesn’t Bread have to buy you out of the house? Also, if you get the CR job, I have a friend with a big house (two spare rooms), big fenced in yard and a big yellow dog who would love Bindu’s company. Lemme know what you hear on this front, and we can talk.
And I still think you should look into working for the University, Mush. The benefits are to fucking die for. Seriously, 4.8 weeks of vacation TO START and the medical plan is phenomenal. Hell, if I can get a P & S job there, SO CAN YOU.
The house is still half mine; Bread hasn’t bought me out yet but we’ve talked about it and my equity is safe with him — he’s a good dude.
What’s P &S? -m
There’s two different classifications at the U. One is Merit and the other is Professional & Scientific. I’m P&S by whatever fluke. Just go online and look at some of the job listings sometime… and when they say $28k to commensurate, don’t lose hope. They’ll pay ya, baby.
I know Bread’s a good guy… I was just thinking it would make your life a lot better right now if he were to shoot ya a little moola.
Sweet, I’ll check it out. And he doesn’t have any $ either. -m