In which I’m sick. In two ways. At the same time.
I’m sick. Fever, aches, cough, and the sniffles.
I texted work at nine-something this morning; slept; called work at two-something; slept; went out for dog food at four-something; slept; got up at nine-something and had a cup of tea, some rice and dhal, and an icy cold Coke. I finally got online at ten, intending to login and work a little — you know I’m sick when I don’t get on the Internet all day — but first I checked my email.
I was still under new-hire probation at Redux. I received a message from dot-com saying he was sorry and if I’d been in the office today he’d have done it face-to-face, but he didn’t think it was working out. Tardiness. Not dedicated enough. Lack of proper notification when out sick. Redux is very small and dependent on a particular personality mix. I guess mine didn’t cut it, no hard feelings, etc etc etc. I guess my office radar no longer works, either, because I didn’t see it coming at all. I thought they were as happy with me as I was with the job.
I guess that’s why they have probationary periods in the first place. I’m really trying hard not to take it personally, but of course I’m all sick and vulnerable (and PMSing, to boot) and my feelings are hurt and I’m close to tears. But I guess that’s the fast-paced world of Internet dot-coms for you.
So, yeah, now I’ve been let go twice in four months. My self-esteem’s taking a bit of a beating.
Perhaps I really should become a secretary; somehow I doubt it would bother me so much if I got let go from that.
6 Responses to Sick Squared
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- William
- WoolGatherer
🙁 i’m sorry things didn’t work out 🙁
Moi aussi. *sigh* Shit happens. -m
Aaww, man, that really sucks. On both counts.
Dr. Mom says, have some miso soup and stay inside with a good book and a movie-BECAUSE YOU CAN.
I’ve always got good books. AmmZon made rice and dhal. -m
Suck. This is such B.S.
Suckage. -m
Mush- I am really sorry to hear that things didn’t work out at Redux. Having spent my life in successful startups, I don’t understand what personality has to do with job performance. It sounds like a very very stupid reason for letting someone go. From reading your postings, I never trusted, so his actions don’t surprise me at all. -Gregg
T’anks for being in my corner, Ggg. -m
I am so sorry – but perhaps something MUCH better will come along soon that you would have missed if you were still with them. Here’s hoping.
I hope so! 🙂 I’d rather be friends with them than work for them anyway, easier that way methinks. -m
Wow. Ok, so the email firing is a bit… well its weird! He cited tardiness, usually they give you a warning, not giving timely notice when sick, what are you supposed to do, I’m sorry but I plan on being sick a week from wednesday, please make note that I won’t be here. Something funky in the water Mush. Dont let it get to you. I know where you can get an IT job and a customer service job NOW. The DH can hook you up. Send him an email or walk in on him on Monday after 11am. Pay is great, great laid back atmosphere. He said he would help you get signed on. Its on B street and the railroad tracks. Email me for his email addy and my phone number so you can get hooked up.
Go knit something. Need yarn? Ill send some with the DH to work on Monday and you can pick it up from him at his office on b street. email me
Thanks, hon. I just did! -m