In which it’s all just SUCH a pain in the ASS.

So I was gonna use a variation on this color scheme to redo goblinbox’s theme for fall.

I had to download an FTP client to backup the existing theme files, because there wasn’t one on Truck’s laptop.

Then I realized I wouldn’t be able to change the bkg color without editing the header image… but I can’t do that without some graphics software… which is in my warez folder out at the farm. And the original .png files for the header and other miscellaneous buttons and shit? On Bread’s laptop!

Probably. Or on a CD or thumbdrive somewhere.

Fuck, I hate having my data spread out all over the damn world like this! I’m keeping it all on the Internet from now on. Hurumph.


6 Responses to [cartman.voice]GOD DAMMIT![/cartman.voice]

  1. Logan says:

    Which natch is the smart thing to do.

    You could always go steal the laptop and deny you ever did so? (I like to give advice in the form of questions so as to not sound as adamant about the idea of theft as I actually might could be.)

  2. Brad says:

    Those are really rich colors. Get all of that together in one place so we can see the results!

  3. Brad says:

    Oh, BTW, your title today is so clever you little coding geek, you!

  4. Ally says:

    I’m in the same position, for different reasons. So frustrating :(.

  5. JayRob says:

    i have all the warez you could dream of.

  6. Jim@HiTek says:

    I’m happy with the site as it is now…don’t touch a damn thing, damn it!

    I really like it that the ‘Rants 9’ button reappeared where I don’t have to search for the damn thing everytime I come here. I’ll bet you’ll get more action on Rants 9 now. It’s gotten really quiet there the last few months when you where hiding the clicky clicky button.