In which my birthday was pretty cool, and I have good news!
I partied my ass off all weekend, and I managed it on about $5. I went out both Friday and Saturday nights, and people bought me drinks and I stayed out crazy late and got lots of hugs and kisses and attention because it was my birthday weekend. I also read two pretty fab sci-fi books and gave myself a haircut. Sunday afternoon AmmZon made a delicious dinner — linguini, marinara, meatballs, garlic bread and a huge salad — and a friend of hers came over and we all ate and lounged around watching football. I went to bed early that night because I had an interview on Monday that I wanted to be fresh for.
My brother sent me a totally bitchin’ phone. It’s pink, has a really nice display, and unlike my other two phones it actually works! I love having a phone again. I LOVE MY BROTHER.
My interview got pushed to Tuesday. It was 96 degrees and I had no decent summer-weight clothes, so I drove out to the interview in a t-shirt and changed into a long-sleeved tailored dress shirt while sitting in my jeep in the parking lot. The interview was fun and I liked the people, but they didn’t really ask me very many of those legit interview questions I’d been prepared for, like, “What do you think your strengths and weaknesses are?” They didn’t make me an offer on the spot (even thought they’d sent me an email that made it sound like they were going to), but they did give me a 4-page NDA to read over and said they’d call me early next week when the finance guy was back in town and could be present for any hiring. They asked me if I could do payroll and A/P. I mean, they implied that they’d hire me next week, but it wasn’t openly said. I still don’t know what their product is because they don’t reveal that info until they hire someone and get a signed NDA. It’s a start-up; it had that new company buzz. One of the two men that interviewed me said he’d been involved in several start-ups over the years and that this one was the one that was going to break through.
After the interview, I changed back into my t-shirt, drove to AmmZon’s and took an afternoon nap. I woke up all logy because it was so freaking unseasonably hot and I’d been passed out upstairs, sweating and drooling, for a couple of hours. I went downstairs where it was cooler and got on the laptop. Network Redux IMed me and asked me to come over for a 15-20 minute interview at 5 o’clock.
I drove over and the 15 minute interview took over an hour; dot-com and I rapped and geeked out and had a great time. The job sounded even better than I’d originally thought. Dot-com is smart and laid back and really knows his shit, his company is solvent and growing, and if I worked there I’d get to enjoy a nice steep learning curve in a pleasant little office with a fast Internet connection and a window! Again I thought I was going to get an offer on the spot, but he walked me out and said he’d call me the next day. So sneaky. At the door we switched gears to social concerns. He asked if I was planning to go out and see Rockstar play at the Hideaway that night and suggested that if I was, I might call his wife and get her to go since he didn’t think she would go out without some female persuasion.
I went back to AmmZon’s and sat on the porch and texted Widget and read for awhile. I nagged her via texts until she agreed to go out, even though it was a Tuesday. I met her and dot-com at the bar at eight and we three sat and chatted. I hadn’t seen them socially since we met a few weeks before and I really like them a lot. Dot-com and I quickly fell into geek, and Widget, who was sitting between us, slowly started leaning back and grinning her “you guys are totally fucking geeking out” grin. “Ah, shit,” I laughed. “We’re dorking out on you! Let’s talk about something else!” She laughed and said it was okay, but we did eventually manage to change the subject. Rockstar arrived and started playing. Gorgeous and Baby Girl sat on the other side of dot-com. Eventually dot-com turned to Widget and said, “Do you think I can tell her now, or should I wait until tomorrow?”
Widget said, “She’s sitting right here you know, she can hear you!” We all laughed, and then he offered me a job on the spot. I accepted. I’m employed! I start Monday morning because that’s when the new computer he ordered for me will be there. I’m so excited! OMG, I have A JOB. With a brand new Mac mini to play with!
Throughout the evening, dot-com and I talked more and I think I’m really going to totally fucking dig this job. You’ve got to love a man who strives to provide excellent support but admits to occasionally “firing” evil customers who are impossible to support and who malign his employees on his support forums. He’s also got a full disclosure policy; I’m not only welcome to but practically encouraged to blog about my job. OMGWTFBBQ!!!
We closed the bar, stopped en masse at someone’s house, then left there and ended up at a cozy little after-hours at chez dot-com and Widget. They’ve got pugs and cats and a really cute house, and Rockstar brought his guitar and we all sat around and talked and sang and giggled and in general had a really groovy time. On a Tuesday! (I felt zero guilt because, hey! I’m still technically unemployed until Monday, so I figured I could rock out for no reason, since I won’t be doing it when I have to start actually waking up in the morning and doing things for a living.)
Did I mention that I HAVE A JOB???!??!??!?!?
17 Responses to I rejoin the work force! YES!
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer
Most happy days! Money! Food! Employment! How ever will you deal with all of this????
Most hardy congrats my lady, and welcome to the light at the end of the tunnel…..
Thank you for the b-day card, you wonderful woman! *smooch* -m
holy craplets. you are the mutherfocking B O M B. go mushlette. congratulations you radical woman.
yeah, and happy fricking birthday too. belated. big love.
Okay so happy birthday and congratulations. This is awesome news. Everytime I have opened your blog lately, feelings of impending doom have taken over, no matter how upbeat you seem to be, I have been a little worried!
So glad you are getting back on your feet! XOXO
Hey! I hear you have a job!
Excellent. Everything is falling into place just as I planned… okay, I had/have nothing to do with it… it’s all you.
Suuuure it is. Took Your fucking time, didn’t You. -m
Congrats, Mush, and well done.
Good going, Mush! You are truly ringing the Bell of Invincibility for every nation!
You made me snort iced coffee OUT MY NOSE. -m
I’m really happy for you, but…
from my purely selfish pov this is really lousey timing cuz I’m finally getting back in town and you’ll be all employed and junk and now NLW and I will have to make an actual appointment to have lunch with you. Dangit!
Fan-frikkin’-tastic, Mush!!
Yay Yay Yay – the mush has a job – Yay Yay Yay. You Rock. -gregg
I would expect two more job offers if I were you…then whatcha gunna doo?
Yay! Brilliant news!
well! first off, happy belated birthday. what a marvelous birthday present to get! i hope the new job turns out to be as rockin’ as it looks to be. have a wonderful time!
(and from Anthony : “Yaaaaaay!”)
that’s so great mush!
i am looking forward to hearing how it goes on your first day!!