In which it’s up. Then down. Then up. (But not in the fun way you’re thinkin’ of, perverts.)

Last night I caught Jack loose on the street and walked him home. Then I hung out with his person, the Sexy Lab-rarian, until two in the morning, talking. (She works swing shift so she keeps weird hours.) It was awesome to see her and catch up; we haven’t hung out in years and I love that woman.

Had a phone interview today. I liked the guy; he said my favorite words about schedule/punctuality: “We’re fairly flexible about that.” There was laughing, too, which is always a great sign in my book. It appears I may even be qualified for the job I applied for. So I’d say it went well. They asked for references and everything.

I finally made it to that town-killing gash of a store we all love to hate and bought the contact lens solution and cheap conditioner I’ve been needing for days. Was thinking about the marriage as I was driving, about the somehow epic span of the thing juxtaposed with the brutal pedestrianism of the words I hear myself using to describe my experience (it’s all just so common; I feel like a Cosmo article), and I managed to work myself right into a panic attack in the HABA aisle. Gave myself a pep talk on the drive back to AmmZon’s house but I feel like an asshole and I can’t seem to shake it.

The truth is, I’ve already paid this fucking bill and I need to get over it.

I had a couple of wonderful IM sessions with an old friend today. I sat in front of Truck’s laptop and giggled like a fiend for hours; I love that motherfucker so much. It was really good for me. Then I got an email — with great grammar and spelling, and you know how I love that shit — this afternoon from a guy with the company I’d spoken with in the morning; he told me they thought I may just possibly be the person they’re looking for and that they wanna meet me next week. And with good grammar! Boo yah!

Up and down and up. Ah, the rollercoaster. Means you’re alive, yes?

In other news, you know what’s hot? I’ll tell you what’s hot. Wirelessness, that’s what. I’m sitting on the porch with Truck’s laptop in my lap. Can you dig it!


6 Responses to Great Space Coaster

  1. Rufus says:

    I hate to use that old cliche but….are you finally getting to the silver lining of your cloud?? I’m sending good vibes your way that this is the great job you’ve been looking for!

    Thanks, Roof. *smooch* I think it would be hot to get a cool job and work my own ass off for awhile. -m

  2. Brad says:

    As you well know, I’m all about wirelessness. I’ve even gone so far as to buy and install the boxes that create the wirelessness for my two best friends.

    This way, they have the gift and I don’t have to screw with cords for my laptop when I visit.

    Yes, I can be that self centered.

    Create the wirelessness! Create the wirelessness! Cover the world in unsecured wireless networks! -m

  3. Logan says:

    Fuck the down. Things are UP. Like a rollercoaster when it’s climbing and climbing and climbing — the crazy shit hasn’t even hit yet.

    And IT’S ALMOST YOUR BIRTHDAY, OH MAH GHOD. Hittin’ quitch was fun the first three times I did it, and I can’t wait for the fourth.

  4. Cootera says:

    There’s something to be said for good grammar, proper punctuation, etc. When I got the acceptance letter from the University, all was in perfect order… except they spelled my freaking NAME wrong! I mean, c’mon. I interviewed TWICE. They had my resume on file. So as part of my personnel file in the department, there is a signed copy of this letter as a form of contract, WITH my red pen corrections. Thank dawg it’s not in the English department.

    Babble babble. GOOD LUCK with the job!! I hope you hear some good news, say, TOMORROW on YOUR BIRTHDAY.

  5. Gregg says:

    Mush- I am glad to hear that the jobs prospects looking good. I’m rooting for you 🙂 The ups and downs are part of the healing process. In love and relationships, we all sound like a Cosmo article 😉 -Gregg

  6. I hope you remember to ask the important questions during your interviews. Questions like:

    Will this position allow me to IM VUBOQ all day long? Will it? Will it? Because if I can’t IM with him all day long, I just can’t accept this position. I can’t. It’s not worth it.

    I MISS YOU!!! *smooch*