In which I’m in school and remembering school.

I’m taking a basic adjusting class this week. During yesterday’s class, I learned a single thing: the definition of the word subrogation.

You may feel that learning a single word should take far less than six hours… I know I certainly do. *bangs head on desk* In other words, this class is teaching me nothing.

Today I have not yet learned anything. I’m taking this class not because I need the training per se, but because in order to do claims for WG I have to have taken it.

The software class was much more fun because it was hands-on; one of the instructors was really sharp; and I’m a geek. In contrast, this is a lecture class… all PowerPoint slides and hand-outs and reading aloud. I feel like I’m in high school taking personal finance all over again.

Speaking of high school, my best friend from those days — and with whom I have not communicated since, oh, 1989 or so — left a comment on yesterday’s post. How freakin’ cool is that? I emailed her immediately. It’ll be neat to catch up with her.

In other news, my aunt and uncle dropped by Sunday, sat and chatted with me for a few hours, and then left again. It was lovely.


4 Responses to My Old School

  1. Hey! I learned what “subrogation” meant today by reading your blog and that took all of … um … 30 seconds. HOT!


    AND you learned it for FREE! Yay, you! -m

  2. Jim@HiTek says:

    Yesterday it got up to 85F here in Pdx. Today it’s raining. I just wish I could subrogate myself with my friend in Mazatlan for a few days.

    Good job. 😉 -m

  3. Brad says:

    I had to learn the word for the state exam I took last week. See why I was stressed out? I thought I would never learn this crap because it is so… so… BORING!
    I’m feeling your pain, sister!

    I know, right?!?! -m

  4. Popeye says:

    But, overall, you’re having a very interesting summer. . ,

    That’s putting it mildly. 😉 -m