In which I do a do-over.
I had written an introspective, pensive post about my life as I know it… and then I opened the Iowa job search db in another tab and Firefox crashed, taking my whole damn post with it. The gist was that I actually had some guests out here last night, quite spontaneously and quite by accident, and once again I’m suffused with gratitude for my friends.
It went like this: Buzz dropped by on his way home from work, and then Rockstar and Gorgeous came out to walk BoSe’s dogs, and then Raybo stopped in on her way back from ScrOttumwa, and I had people over visiting me in my own home for several hours running! It was amazing, really, to have actual guests over, especially since I’d cleaned yesterday and was ready to have actual guests over. The dishes were done, and I’d washed the blanket that covers the couch and even dusted. (The bathroom continues to be an ongoing observational experiment in entropy, but at least the two main rooms were presentable.) I was even able to offer the guys beers because there are five or six kinds in the beer fridge left over from who knows when!
Gorgeous has listened to me bitch about cleaning this place for years. She told me my living room was ‘immaculate,’ but it was dusk so she couldn’t see the monster (formed of dog hair and sticks and toads and dust and spiders and moth wings) that was snaking its furry arm out from under the rocking chair toward her ankle. Luckily, she stepped away before it wrapped its tentacle around her flesh and sucked her into that scary, dark break in the concrete that I artfully keep concealed behind an old dresser. Whew.
After awhile it was just Raybo and me. She didn’t have to get up in the morning, so she stayed late and drank the last of my vodka with me, and we tried a lemondrop-with-rum experiement that wasn’t brilliant but was at least drinkable. She is so fantastically wonderful and awesome; I feel like we’ve been friends for years but it’s only been months. Every so often I squeeze her and squeal, “I’m so glad you moved here!” and she grins and squeals “Me too!” right back at me. A good friend is a precious thing.
Bread called me yesterday to report the latest sales figures (which are encouraging!) and to inform me that he and BoSe have rented a furnished apartment in Indy because it’s cheaper than any motel they could find.
Now I’m all for frugality, of course, but I have to admit the news made me strangely jealous. He’s living in a neat little furnished apartment in a metropolitan area — which is exactly what I want out of life! — and I’m here, in the country, in this clapped-out old farmhouse with the bills in the mailbox every day and the flea-infested dogs and the toads and spiders and the 26-mile commute! What the fuck!
Yes, I’m petty and ugly, but I’m woman enough to work through it. And I did. The truth is that I’d rather be here than in Indy selling roofs. All my stuff is here, my band is here, and all my friends are here. I don’t really like Indy all that much, and calling it a ‘metropolitan area’ is actually a compliment. The jealous pettiness was just a momentary blip but it threw me and I had a why-am-I-always-the-one-doing-the-responsible-thing? pity party for an hour. Seriously, though, I bet that if Bread had his druthers he’d be here handling the domestic shit while I was off in some city pulling down the big bucks. He’d love to be a farm husband even more than I’d love to be living in a tidy little furnished apartment in a city somewhere. The weirdo.
Too bad I have yet to realize, codify, and market whatever skill it is that I undoubtably possess that would enable me to be the one living in the furnished apartment in the metropolitan area and pulling down the big bucks. Maybe this Xactimate training thing will pan out. Maybe I’ll figure out how to become the systems streamlining expert like Snow suggested. Who knows. My problem is that I know a little about a lot of things, but I never specialized enough. Even in all my years at the ISP I never bothered to take any certification tests. Hell, I never finished any of my college degrees either. (Yes, I spent five years in college and never got a piece of paper.) (Oh shush, it’s not like a degree in voice or literature or history would do me any good.)
I’m over-qualifed for any and all office positions short of upper management, but I’m under-qualified for management because I’m not degreed in business. I’m woefully under-qualified for most geek positions, but over-qualified for geek entry level jobs like tech support. On the other hand, I’ve worked myself out of more than one job by streamlining it until I had nothing to do, and in every office position I’ve ever had I’ve ended up taking on more and more responsibility until I was doing a manager’s job with an assistant’s title and salary.
Suffice it to say, I haven’t gotten any calls for interviews yet.
I have band practice tonight, and afterward I’m not going to karaoke no matter what Gorgeous says. Tomorrow Stella gets the tube out of her ear.
In other news, I spent $70 on Frontline for all the animals yesterday, and put it on them as soon as I got home. I have observed no relief from the fleas in the past 24 hours. My conclusion is that Frontline no longer kills fleas. I’m going to try to contact the company that manufactures it and let them know. Maybe they’ll send me a fucking refund.
7 Responses to This One Isn't As Good As The Last One
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
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- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer
Hey, in the same boat here. I’m gonna be separating from the military soon, with not one certification. I really thought I was gonna be done with computers after I get out, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. I was gonna switch to be a nurse but it’ll be having to start at the bottom all over again. Just wondering, where are you looking into getting a job? Are you trying to stay in Iowa or venture out to other states if offered a job? It looks like you’re really good and know what you’re doing, I”m surprised nobody has called you. Some job postings I came across wants people with SQL, HTML, all that web design stuff lol. Let me know if you’d want the links to some of the job sites I found.
I’m not looking to relocate, at least not yet. Maybe eventually, but we’ve got the old mortgage and three dogs to consider. If you want to do nursing, you should do it. For one, don’t waste your life in a field you don’t like, and for another, there are always nursing jobs posted in every paper and jobs db I’ve ever looked at! -m
“I’ve ended up taking on more and more responsibility until I was doing a manager’s job with an assistant’s title and salary.”
Man, welcome to my world. Sux.
I know, right? -m
i hope something turns up really soon for you. did you look at your clustrmap? my heavens only baffin island, the sahara and a bit south of it, tierra del fuego, and an eensy part of siberia haven’t visited your site 🙂
the lottery draw is 42 million on saturday night. cross your toes for me and you’ll get a job being my travel companion. (i’ll travel to you and you’ll feed me) 🙂 sound good?
I know, this site gets a baffling 10k hits a month. I love it! -m
I got a great job offer yesterday. Except it was from the most fucked up company in the world. I applied for a job I saw based in Brisbane, Australia. A british guy from Aukland, New Zealand, called me and conducted a phone interview. I decided the job sounded shite and just arsed around during the phone interview.
They called me back yesterday asking for a face to face interview. I went to that after they accepted me for the job they said “Oh, by the way, the role is based in Port Macquarie…” That a seven hour drive from Brisbane. I told them to shove it up their arse.
Two hours later I got a call from a real estate agent in Port Macquarie. They wanted to know if I had any pets or children. I said “What the hell are you calling me for?” and they replied that afore mentioned shit company had told them to find accommodation for a guy that would be relocating from Brisbane!
The money may be good but I am not moving to Port fucking Macquarie! As Kevin Bloody Wilson once said “Port Macquarie is nothing but the place where the outback meets the fucking ocean – you wipe your feet on the way out of Port Macquarie…”
The search continues. I’m going to dumb down my CV so I don’t look so overqualified. You should perhaps do the opposite – say that you studied to degree level at college. They never actually ask to see the paper and it’s a shame to waste those 5 years…?
I’ve read your posts. That company’s so horny for you they can’t even think straight! LOL! -m
Mush, you just haven’t found the employer that appreciates your many fabulous talents. But you will, sweetheart. You will.
I want them to appreciate me with big bucks. A LOT. -m
Sweetie, you’re living my life all over again. I don’t know whether to grin or scold. Guess our time/life line doesn’t include money as much as I’d like it to.
Good luck with the job searching and there is always ‘retail’ for a few months to take your mind off the obvious.
Retail. Is that slang for ‘gas station’? -m
I hear your tune re overqualified-in-RL/underqualified-on-paper. But I *heart* frontline. It does work eventually, but it takes a couple of expensive months to kick in. And I am devastated to hear that because we now live in the country and my cats are now hunting on a regular basis, I should be worming them once every f-ing THREE MONTHS at £14 a time, rather than once a year.
Not here. It just plain doesn’t kill fleas any more. *sigh* -m