In which you can hardly tell it’s the weekend.
Today is the first day of our third week in Indy. I feel both as if I just arrived, and as if I’ve been here forEVer.
BoSe and Bread had a nine o’clock this morning. I tried to get the bid done last night, but it’s hard to work in the evening because the boys wanna relax and keep popping in and out so it’s hard to get any questions answered, like, “What the fuck is a D&R wrirmiumumm?” or “Don’t you know how to spell chimney?” or “Is this a 4 or a 9?”
So I had the bid nearly finished except for calculating the siding (damn gable ends, man) when I went to bed. Which means I got up at 7:30 this morning to do math.
Math, people.
Actually, I made Bread do it. But still.
I got the bid finished and printed for the guys and turned in our expenses to Dee all before 8:30 in the morning. BoSe ran for coffee, so now it’s nine and I’m listening to Mozart In The Morning and sipping a hazelnut latte and the door and window are open and the guys have five appointments scheduled for today and I’ll probably be alone much of the day. Unless Truck or PaKa come over to hang out.
I don’t think I have anything in particular to work on, so I guess I’ll troll Xactimate’s built-in Help system (I totally RTFM) to see if it can teach me how to make it calculate siding easily without having to draw the entire goddamned house.
Sunday, of course, is laundry day. I hope to God we manage to actually sleep in tomorrow.
In other news, Bread had one of those disturbing anxiety dreams that make you feel all discombobulated when you wake up. Apparently he dreamed Indiana had weird laws and his mom called to warn him but he got arrested anyway and was in one of those paper suits, handcuffed into a paddy wagon, and kids were asking him for cigarettes. He said he felt all weird all morning.
4 Responses to Saturday! Eh.
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- Stevers
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer
Love the new look! 🙂
Math? Um, no. Not even after three cups of coffee.
i don’t mind math, so long as it’s algebra or geometry or even trigenometry. arithmetic hates me though. that’s what bran’s for.
i know bread’s feeling…except i got a period today and that’s what caused the feelings, not a dream. *sigh* i’m so ready for menopause to get this all overwith.
Had some major insomnia tonight and decided get on the computer to lull me back to sleep. So, it was the perfect time to get all caught up with your goings on there in Indianapolis. I had heard through the “Fairfield grapevine” you were off doing the roofing work everyone has left town to do, it seems. God bless you in your quest for vegetarian food in a strange land. I SO feel your plight!
Not sure how long you’re to remain there in Indy, but if you guys want a “out of the ordinary” night outside the hotel, Indy has the grooviest Drive-in over by the Speedway called Tibb’s Drive-In. This place has 4 screens and is rockin in the summer. K and I have been there the past two summers to enjoy the nostalgia on our annual road trip to PA to see the relatives. You gotta come correct if you go, cause people still take this shit seriously. We’re talkin’ the pickup, blankets, pillows, lawn chairs, coolers, the whole freaky deal- I love it!!
Good luck making that money baby!! Hope to see you back here soon…will miss you at Amma, but I’ll have a chai for you. Who am I kidding? I’ll easily put 15 of those away. I’m like a crack head with that chai….