In which I hate my period, and the best part about marriage is having to share everything. Plus: grandmas are always right.
(Yesterday I was bitching to BoSe that the worst part of being married is having to share everything: cigarettes, food, cash. The bed. It’s a pain in the ass. But then…)
It’s a damn good thing I’m not a 12-year-old girl, or I’d be dead of embarassment.
In my old age I’m now systematically living through all of those nightmare period horrors you think about when you’re 12 (for my male readers: the fear of being caught bleeding is probably roughly equivalent to being called up to the board sporting a huge boner). For instance, a couple of years ago I bled through onto someone’s couch. During a fucking football game, surrounded by dudes. Yay.
And just last night I bled all over the hotel sheets and mattress. When I woke up this morning I enjoyed roughly 4.2 seconds of drowsy morning comfort, and then I realized I was basically lying in a puddle of blood and I became instantly, horribly, fully awake.
I jumped up, arranged the bedding artfully to hide the giant red splotch, and took myself to the bathroom to deal with my own cleanliness issues. I stripped and showered, and Bread came in.
“What are you doing!” I snapped. God damn it, can’t I have any fucking privacy? EVER?
“Using the bathroom,” he replied, frowning at me.
I twitched the shower curtain closed and completed my rinse. Okay, he’s gotta pee. I’m in the shower. He’s hardly trying to invade my fucking space. In a more reasonable voice, I asked, “You want to use the shower?”
“Yeah, in a minute,” he replied.
“I gotta get out now,” I said.
“Okay,” he said.
I suppose I could have waited 45 more seconds so he could finish up and get in, but I was in a hurry to clean the huge stain off the hotel’s white mattress. I turned the water off and hopped out.
I explained to Bread why I was freaking. “I bled all over everywhere last night,” I told him as I was dressing. “Myself, my clothes, the bedding, the mattress. I bleed like a stuck pig.”
“I’m sorry,” he said. Then: “You’re wearing frog underwear.”
I looked down. Yup. White panties with green frogs all over them. “One can’t take this bleeding-to-death shit seriously,” I told him.
Then I picked up my jammies from the floor, getting ready to leave the bathroom, and the bundle fell open. I sighed and showed Bread the giant stain all over my flannel pants.
“Damn, baby,” he said. “I’m sorry you have to go through all this.”
And there you have it: I showed a boy the blood all over my jammies – the quintessence of embarassment, yeah? – and he not only didn’t make fun of me, he made me feel better.
In other news, I got some detergent and kleenex and a small glass of water, sat down on the mattress, and I did the blot-with-soap-and-then-with-cold-water cleaning thing your grandma taught you about. And it totally worked! Grandmas are geniuses. Thank God I had a container of laundry detergent with me because I don’t know if shampoo would have worked as well.
The moral: I hate my fucking period. And I have every one of these symptoms.
9 Responses to "The worst part about marriage is having to share everything!"
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Hey swee’ pea. Hope you’re feeling much better and that you find a better Mexican joint.
Bad Mexican food is wrong. Just wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Wrong. -m
Bread can be a sweetheart.
Once or twice a year, yeah. You know how boys are. 😉 -m
Although inappropriate, but a true depiction of what I feel.
Wazz, zazaa azazza aaazzaa azaaza, aaazzaaa, aaaaaa aaa aaaaa aa a aaaaa aaaa aa aaaaa aaa aaaaa aa aa aaa a aaaaaa!!
Have you ever been appropriate, dear? -m
Endo sucks. Boys can be nice, though:).
Occasionally, yeah. 😉 -m
oh that is such a nightmare. i HATE periods! it just seems so cruel that we have to walk around 5 days a month (if we can walk at all, since we’re generally in so much pain then!), wondering if we’re sporting a huge red stain on our trousers or wake up having dirtied the sheets.
i hate men who get grossed out by periods though; it’s as if they’re still teenagers and go ‘ewww gross’ at the mere mention and totally faint if they see tampons. i mean, if it isn’t bad enough that we’re bleeding to death, we have to deal with such haters!
Staining clothing or furniture is the worst. Ugh. -m
um. ick.
hope you’re feeling better 🙂
Thank you, hon. -m
That is the WORST way to start the day. Nice test for the hubbie, though.
Nothing untoward should be allowed to happen before coffee. Ever. -m
Hi GoblinBox,
I really don’t mean to get medical on you but if your periods are that bad it might be a condition called menorrhagia. My sister and I both had it and it’s a nightmare. My iron level was zilch, tired all the time, not to mention the embarrassing situations it caused. My sister had endometrial ablation but I went for the D & C.
Both of us have normal periods now, whew, it’s a whole new world. Have you told your doctor about it? Take Care 🙂
I’ve had my iron and hormones tested; all normal. Thanks for the input, though! -m
Good hubby! Bad uterus. I really hope it all subsides soon, and it’s not endome-whatsit. 🙁 And boo for bad Mexican food–reminds me of trying to get Chinese food in Oregon. It’s all GRAY. Ew.
LOL! Chinese food in Oregon! There’s killer Mexican out there, though. (I’m from OR, btw.) -m