In which my site’s beginning to generate email.

Today I got two emails from random people who had found my site (I’m getting about 13k hits a month this year) and had something to say about what they’d read.

The first was from a guy who also rocks himself to sleep, and wanted to know if I’d ever discussed my rocking with a doctor.

The second was from a guy telling me he was glad to hear I no longer hate Heinlein, and who suggested a couple titles to me.

So cool!

I love the Internet. Love it.

In other news, we got our deployment schedule and we haven’t left yet. Soon, but not yet. So I spent most of the last 48 hours lying around doing nothing, blessed nothing.


3 Responses to Feedback

  1. naomi says:

    three cheers for laying about and doing nothing!!! i did crosswords all day. i slept until noon, then did my internet entertainment stuff and then began doing crosswords. i love crosswords. they rawk! i hope you’re going to keep updating your blog. if you don’t i’d be very sad. (insert photo of dykewife with puppydog sad eyes)

    I love doing nothing. I’m a lazy whore. -m

  2. Abhishek says:

    Random emails are really fun to read and most of all the idea that other people are appreciating your work is great. Keep up the good work 🙂

    Totally. And thanks! -m

  3. jalal says:

    Wow. You have REALLY changed the look of your website.

    I’m clever like that. (Where the hell you been, bitch?) -m