In which I seem to be recovering.
I feel better today. Seriously! I’ve been awake for a few hours now, in a row. I told work I might even be in later, but we’ll see.
And no, I’m not going to get my tonsils hacked out. It takes ten to twenty days to recover from that shit, did you know that? TEN to TWENTY DAYS. And after ten to fourteen days, the scabs come off and if the bleeding doesn’t stop by itself? Emergency cauterization surgery! So, like, fuck that running.
Bread sat at my desk and read all the posts on my index page this morning (he’s been to goblinbox maybe five times in the
seven eight (!) years we’ve been together), while I lounged on the day bed in a pile of dogs, and he actually laughed out loud several times. “See, I told you I’m funny!” I said proudly. Then he took that National Geographic survey and only missed two. Two!
“I suppose I’ll never hear the end of it,” I said. “You’re gonna go ’round thinkin’ you’re smarter than me now.”
He laughed. “Who doesn’t know that Italy’s shaped like a boot! Jesus, Mush!”
Insufferable bastard.
6 Responses to Hey! I might survive!
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer
Lounging in a pile of dogs sounds wonderful! You make me laugh plenty, ya know. 🙂
Yessssss! -m
I’m so glad you’re feeling better!
I still have my tonsils too, but I don’t get sick anywhere as often (nor as bad) as you.
However, my life is also not as exciting as yours.
But a tonsilectomy? You get ice-cream! As much as you want! And you’d get to hang out in bed with a few favorite books, maybe some knitting. And computer. Good reason (justification!) for a laptop, methinks.
I need a laptop in the very worst of worst ways. But first I need DS motherfucking L. -m
I love that he’s reading it! It’s about time and you are very funny. Glad you’re feeling better.
I’ve always thought it was strange he wasn’t vain enough to want to read what I write about him. That’s just plain not natural. Really. If he was blogging, I’d be all over that shit! Daily! *hehe* -m
I think a *bot* has posted to Rants9. The second to last entry in ‘Off I go’ posted by blogGreen88.
Just saying.
You wouldn’t want a super popular thread like that one to be invaded would ya?
Fixed. -m
Hey! I took that quiz and only missed 4!?! WTF? It must be rigged, bc I totally flunked out of geography in hs…lol
Glad you’re feeling better 🙂
Oh now you’re bein’ mean, girl! I missed SIX! *giggle* -m
I have just had my tonsils taken out on Monday of this week. It isn’t a walk in the park, but it’s not like I’m laying on my deathbed, either. My throat hurts like hell every time I need to swallow and I haven’t had anything to eat that isn’t liquid yet. It hurts too much to try to get some food down that doesn’t just slide down on its own. I was up and about the next day. I had to go do some volunteer stuff at my children’s school. So it really doesn’t have to keep you in bed for a whole week. I’m the type of person that can’t stand to lay in bed any longer than I have to. Don’t get me wrong, I used to be. However, since the cancer I hate laying around, it’s just reminds me of the time in the hospital. Anyway, my point here is…at 35 years old, I was on antibiotics for strep throat more time than I was off, I was having trouble swallowing because my tonsils were so swollen all the time, I was snoring like a drunken sailor , and with each illness it took me longer and longer to get over them and my tonsils just stopped going back to normal size and stayed swollen ALL the time. So I decided, for me, that it was time to take them out. Each person’s situation is different. If you’d like more details about it, email me…I’d be glad to tell you about it and how they go about it here in FF.
Well, I’ve only had strep once in the past few years. Hmm. Thanks, I may email you! -m