In which we prepare for Friday’s par-tay.

Saturday Bread and I went to town and had McDonald’s for breakfast. I know, I know. Don’t say anything.

Then we went to the vet’s and bought Frontline for the animals. Then we bought kibbles for the animals. Hundred and ten bucks right there. (Next time, we’re getting gerbils. I swear to God, three dogs and a cat’s a habit more expensive than drugs.) Then home.

I had a lunch date with NLW at noon-thirty, but I was totally late and the poor woman was starving when I got there. She fed me spinach pesto and we drank the six dollar bottle of wine I’d brought. Somehow during the course of the afternoon I spent sixty bucks on yarn, needles, and a pattern — I’ll be knitting this in a week or so. My first sweater! Hopefully starting it in May will mean I’ll actually be wearing it by next winter. (I’m still knitting the Fuzzyfeet my mother requested last Thanksgiving.)

I stopped at the store for a few things afterward and was home a little after five. Bread talked me into going back to town for the third time that day, and we ate dinner at the Dead Cock. It was slow in there, mellow and quiet. We watched South Park and went home.

Today I slept ’til ten. (Yes!) When I got up, Bread was doing laundry. Then we went to Nanner’s house, and Bread cooked breakfast. I have no idea why he cooked breakfast; he just did. He made asparagus, tomato, and onion omelettes with hash browns. It was awesome.

Nanner gave me an office chair. When we got home, I cleaned my office and the bedroom and swept the parts of the second storey that aren’t actually under construction. Bread brought my new chair in. IT ROLLS. I love it. It’s a totally legit office chair! It has arm rests and it’s adjustable and everything. It’s possible that I’ve never been happier about a chair in my entire life.

Amazon Blonde and Truck came out; Truck stayed here and AB and I went to ScrOttumwa to do our Cinqo de Mayo shopping at the big goddamned community-killer they call Super Wal-Mart. It’s so fuckin’ cheap I feel dirty — and not in a good way — whenever I go there: we bought a cart full of stuff and it only cost $66. And $22 of that was for the half-gallon of namebrand rum we’d bought!

I know their prices will pop back up to average after they’ve killed all the older, smaller grocery stores in town, but for now? You just can’t get shit cheaper anywhere else. (Plus their Mexican — excuse me, Hispanic — food selection is much broader than any of Fairfield’s stores.)

After shopping, AB and I stopped at the Tom-Tom Tap for cocktails and a gossip. It was lovely. Love the Tom-Tom.

Later, at home, I folded Bread’s laundry (in order to empty the dryer so I could wash and dry my own clothes) and Bread did the dishes. If the fucker’s not careful, I’m going to start believing him soon when he says he’s actually learned to be a decent roommate.

In other news, I had goblinbox moved over to the new server, but then Keef had an interaction with the new server’s support/billing departments that was so scary and wrong it just boded badly for the whole enterprise and he dropped that whole thing like it was hot and got a server elsewhere. So I have to move the whole goddamned site again, but it’s nine o’clock on Sunday night and I ain’t drivin’ to town to do it now, and I sure as hell ain’t doing it over dial-up from home.

In short, there may be outages tomorrow in goblinboxland. But rest assured, my babies, that mamma’ll be workin’ on it.


7 Responses to Shopping for Mexican

  1. Goblinbox sounds very complicated. I have a site on HostRocket and it seems to work just fine for $10 per month.

    Go figure.


    I like free hosting, so I move when I have to! -m

  2. Emo says:


    You know you can host Goblinbox/Rants on my own co-located server. You know, I’m still hosting Rants6 on it.

    It’s my own little Linux-box sitting on a rack at my ISP in downtown Denver — right across the street from AT&T and Qwest’s internet backbone facilites.

    Say the word, and I can give you root-access.


    Really? I’ll email you. -m

  3. I hear that. I like my little simple blog. My other website has been giving me fits since I “upgraded” to their pay-hosting service. Bastards.

    If not this, what would I have to bitch about? 😉 -m

  4. Scott says:

    Sounds like you had a good weekend. Looking forward to seeing the blog being moved and having everything working.



    Me, too! Thanks. -m

  5. shenry says:

    Goblinbox is the story of a nomadic blog that hops from server to server in the hope that one day it will find a stable home.

    When you had breakfast at Mickey D’s did you have the McGriddles? I love those things… so sweet, so salty, so delicious.

    I also thought I’d let you know that every time I read “Dead Cock,” I glance at my groin. It’s a weird wired reflex.

    And was it? When you looked? Dead, I mean? *snort!* 😉 -m

  6. vuboq says:

    i’m back i’m back didja miss me didja?

    i *heart* the sweater. maybe we’ll finish our first sweaters around the same time (esp. at the rate i’m going)


    *Smoooooooooooooooch* right back! -m

  7. copperred says:

    It’s hard to shop cheaply, so I know the temptation of Wal-Mart. So far I’ve stayed true to my lesbian roots and have not ever entered one. I suppose you’ll be safe unless they take over all the bars and stop selling any alcohol.

    Eating Mexican food and celebrating a foreign holiday is grounds for arrest and re-education per paragraph 567, section 9b, Part 10.

    Actually when you msg’d me I was going to pick your brain about Linux but you disappeared. Next time.

    IM me whenever you want, esp. about *nix! -m