In which I have a dinner date. Good thing I took a shower this morning!

redbarnYesterday, Bread called my phone seven times. (Seven times!) Today he called it three times. There are aspects of having a househusband that make. Me. Crazy.

But that’s not the point. The point is that he’s taking me and Nanner out to dinner at someplace called the Red Barn Bistro tonight! Yay!

I’ve never been there, but it sounds like it’ll be fun. From the looks of the menu I’ll be having a salad and fries, like I do in most Iowa restaurants (pasta, the vegetarian’s standard fallback menu option, is rare in this part of the world for some reason). According to the restaurant’s web site:

“Upon arrival at The Red Barn Bistro, patrons are greeted by our two family goats. Billy Bob and Becky Sue love eating crackers and Bistro mints.”

So. Yeah. We’ll see how it goes. Good thing I love me some rustic!

He also told me that he thinks Bindu hurt her back again. Poor girl. I got him to agree to carry her nasty, stinky ass upstairs — they’ve been rolling in something dead, apparently — and baby-gate her into my office where there is no furniture she can jump up on. The last time she hurt her back, the vet gave her doggie muscle relaxants and instructed me to not let her jump up on anything for a week. (She was on total doggie lockdown. She hated it. She had to spend all her time in my office, and I even carried her outside to pee because stairs were off limits. Oh, the looks she gave me.) I think I have one or two of them left. If not, I can at least give her half an aspirin when I get home. Back pain sucks.

In other news, this arrived today and now my iPod is all cozy and protected. Whee!


8 Responses to Red Barn Bistro

  1. phx says:

    I’m guilty of calling my hubby at work… while I’m at work. I get so bored, and my craving for someone REAL goes through the roof, so I call him (or I come here :). Usually he’s 5 stories underground, but I try.

    Going out to dinner… yum. Don’t let the goats get your salad!

    But you have a hormonal excuse: you’re preggo. Men don’t have more than one hormone, so I can’t figure out why I keep getting phone calls. (Snort!) – m

  2. Shigeki says:

    ooohhhh.. that building looks so cute. Cheddar Cheeseball… yum. But I wouldn’t be too thrilled about those goats… They freak me out. They eat papers for god’s sake!!! How? why?

    I hope your dinner was fantabulous. You have a fantabulous weekend regardless of the crazy calls. 🙂

    I actually ended up having some cheese balls. How did you know? -m

  3. Ally says:

    I would definitely make it a habit to eat at any establishment that had goats :).

    I didn’t see any goats. There were no goats. False advertising! -m

  4. Glenn says:

    Since the word ‘bistro’ is from Russia, you are actually going to a place called Red Barn, Quickly.

    *Chuckle* -m

  5. marci says:

    If someone took me to eat where there are two goats to greet me at the door they would SO be getting laid that evening.

    Mysteriously, he got laid even without the goats. 😉 -m

  6. Logan says:

    No iPod is cozy ’til it tries on a crocheted/knit cover. Now those are comfy (and cheap to make, yay!).

    I’ve knitted lots of iPod cozies. -m

  7. shenry says:

    What about getting a doggy ramp for your pup. here

    Nice. Maybe I’ll make Bread build a few. -m

  8. Lynn says:

    No pasta on the menu? How are you surviving out there??

    I’m serious: cocktails, salad bars, and fries. -m