In which my day was so boring it’s practically a waste of pixels to even write about it.
I took so many naps yesterday I can’t even count them. Bread was in and out between here and his mom’s place.
I was awake at 6:30 or so when he called from the Dead Cock to announce that SB was in town with a bottle of Jamieson’s from Ireland and was I well enough to come have some? No, I wasn’t, but I encouraged him to have fun. He deserved it.
He rolled in an hour later with BoS and they ate the rest of the soup I’d made myself earlier — basically a cream of potato soup with peas and fresh dill in it — and BoS told me it was really really really good and they sat on the couch for awhile and then BoS left and Bread passed out from the whiskey.
I slept all night and then some, emailed work, hacked up a lung, worked on the Amma Iowa site a little, napped, drove the jeep to the barn for kindling (disgustingly lazy, I know, but it’s cold and I’M SICK), built a fire, took a nap, built another fire, made the world’s weirdest black bean coconut soup, ate, and am about to:
Please pick one:
1. Make a sculpture
2. Take a nap
3. Do my nails
Didja guess 2, Take a nap? Didja? Because if you did, you’re right! Tonight we’re going to MIL’s for supper around seven so I gotta get my beauty sleep.
7 Responses to Snot-locked
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- WoolGatherer
drat. I picked 4. Make a sculpture of you doing your nails while taking a nap (Sleep Manicuring – SCARY!).
Isn’t “take a nap” on default? It is for me.
I am always envious when you talk about “taking a nap”. I’d probably sleep until the next morning if I did that.
Cream of potato soup. ughh.. I am getting hungry. 🙂 Have a good one.
Oh yeah. I guessed the nap. A sculpture would take too much energy from your goop riddled body, and anyone that is getting kindling and building fires has no use for purty nails!
Hope you feel better soon!
The soup sounds good actually. The nap sounds heavenly. I haven’t taken in nap in months. Gotta get a nap.
I will not be near you while in Iowa, I don’t think. I will be in Des Moines and Creston (SW of DSM) If I make it to Iowa City are you close?
IC is only an hour away! I’d totally come up there to see you! Cootera lives there, I bet she’d meet up with us for a drink too. -m
Being sick sucks, enjoy the naps while you can though. I am the nap king!
thanks for the comment on my blog, I appreciate the visit.
Black bean coconut soup, huh? That sounds so foreign to me that I’d like to give it a try. Like, do you eat it out of a coconut husk like Gilligan’s Island?
I made black bean soup and then put a can of coconut milk in it. I don’t think I liked it that much. -m