In which the things I want are always far away, spacially and temporally.
My brother g-talked me to say that Magnet‘s playing in PDX tomorrow night and I should fly out there. The show’s only $8!
If I wasn’t flat broke I would totally go standby to Portland and see a show with my bro. Fuck yeah. Because you know what would be funner than that?
NOTHING. Nothing would be funner than that. Not possible.
He — I’m talking about my brother still, pay attention — sent me a picture of his office. (Apparently he’s got admin access to the surveillance loop, the fucking stud.) He’s the guy with the dual monitor setup in the lower right-hand corner.
In contrast, this is my office. Yes, that’s a workstation graveyard under my work table. I need to pull and wipe the HDDs so we can donate the rest.
I don’t know what to get for lunch. The lunch hour is over and I haven’t gone anywhere to get food because I don’t want to eat any of the food I can get. Vuboq, my IM buddy, went out for Burmese food for lunch today. He lives in DC. They have restaurants there. I typed, ‘I want ginger salad!’ and he said he’d get me some. But he won’t, because I’m in Iowa. Too far. (He did, though, get me a ThinkGeek gift certificate yesterday for goblinbox’s birthday because he rawks. Yay!)
Last night after band practice — and we didn’t fucking practice at all, btw, although PjK was adorable enough it was worth the time — I met Gorgeous at the Dead Cock and we fed the Megatouch machine a bunch of dollar bills like the stripper whore it is. I had one cocktail, two glasses of water, some popcorn, and a long drive home at eleven.
I’m getting so sick of my commute. It’s 26 miles round trip, and with Bread out of town I have to drive it twice a day so I can go home and let the dogs out. Crap, how I want to live closer to the rest of my life! I actually want to ride a fucking city bus. I’m so sick of all the time wasted driving; I could be balancing my checkbook, or reading, or knitting, or anything but staring at the endless fucking Iowa blacktop as it spins out under my worn tires.
Jeep needs new tires again. Always needs new tires, I live on gravel.
Of course, spring is coming. The woods around our house are an aviary again, loud and bright with birdsong every morning. It’s an orchestra singing in the spring, calling the orchids, daffodils, lilacs up out of the earth. And when the lilac bush is in full bloom and I’ve got every window in the house open and that smell is everywhere? Maybe I won’t mind the commute so much then.
Eh. Right.
God, we need to have us a big ol’ Spring barn party in the worst way. Bread probably won’t let me, but I could really use a party. Celebrations are fucking important.
10 Responses to Magnet, Ginger Salad, Less Driving, and A Party
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Spring is the season for renewal of spirit. The commute won’t be so bad once there is some living vegetation and flowers to marvel at.
Hang in there. The show gets better.
And, by all means celebrate the coming of spring with a big ‘ol barn party. That sounds cool. (If you’re cooking, I’d so want to be there!)
Yay! I rawk! Like a hawk! or a Great Auk!
My hands smell like ginger salad and my mouth is burning from the spicy Mandalay Tofu. So so so so so so yummy!
If you have a big ol’ barn party, I’d better friggin’ be invited!!!
Maybe i’m weird, but I like your office better–one monitor like yours is better than a hundred bazillion flicker-boxes. Not to mention that I don’t think I could work any desk job if I was under constant video survellience.
I hear you on the commute… but really, car is better than bus. ‘Specially for those days where you feel like total crap. I used to carpool (read Tomek would drive me to work every morning then go onto his work and pick me up after work every day and drive me home), but now I’m a single commuter. Glad I do’nt have to make the trip 2x a day though. Ouch. But you are such a good mum to not leave your dogs at home all day w/o fresh air and a chance to pee.
26 miles round-trip. Amateur! I calculated my miles and I drive from Iowa to Las Vegas every month for my commute.
Your commute? Sucks ass, and not in a good way. Damn, I don’t know how you do it! -m
I too have a 26 mile commute. Cept I drive right through the middle of downtown p-town on my way to and fro. Sometimes I see stuff, but usually not.
I hope you don’t have a big barn blowout before I get back. That would suck massively. Please keep me posted.
a former co-worker would commute for about an hour one way. she spent 2 hours a day, minimum in her car…driving across the saskatchewan pairie…you think you have dull scenery!
i’m allergic to lilacs so bran would pick the flowers off the bushes near our house and put them in the compost. we had the sweetest smelling compost in the neighbourhood.
your office has more character. the other reminds me of the work station i had at my old job.
I love DC’s restaurants. Working there was so much fun, because you could pop out to possibly any one of the best Thai restaurants on the East Coast and just pig out before coming back into a meeting. Mmm. Jungle curry with drunken noodles at the Bangkok Bistro on Prospect St…
In other news, I love the new look for the site! It’s SO slick. Did you make it yourself?
Naw, I wish. I got it from the WP Theme Viewer and tweaked it. – m
It’s true, celebrations are important! They are what life is all about. I hope Bread loosens up and let’s you have the party!
It’s more about cleaning up — the property — than loosening up! he’s got big toys all over the place, like slabs of granite and dump trucks and shit he doesn’t wanna have to move to make room for parking. Snort! -m
26 miles RT? I dream of such brevity. Relish the instantaneity of your little dirive.
My domicile is near Pasadena, and I teach in Camarillo & San Bernardino – each 70 miles away, in opposite directions, to the tune of 2x a week each. Ah, the cloistered life of a college professor.