In which we celebrate a bloggiversary ’round here!

Today, has been registered in my name for five years. Yay!

In this time I’ve learned HTML and CSS and graphics and even a little CGI. I’ve learned about installing applications, managing databases, search engine rankings, and foiling spammers.

I love this site. It’s my favorite hobby. I maintain four other sites, but I’ll never love any of ’em like I love the ‘box or like I love all of you who come here and make maintaining this site such a freakin’ joy for me.

So here’s an all-new button you can use to link here, if you wanna:


In other news, it’s also Truck’s birthday. But he’s much older than *wink*


16 Responses to Five Years!

  1. Lynn says:

    Happy Birthday! So glad I found you!

  2. amped! says:

    Happy Birthday! (And thanks for finding me!) “:)

  3. Cootera says:

    Happy Blogiversary, bay-bee, gotchooo on my miii-iiind!!!
    By the way, I love the new look… but didn’t want to post that yesterday under a serious post about S. Dakotan freaks.

    It ROX my SOX like MONKEY POX!


  5. that didn’t make any sense at all, did it?

    THANK YOU for the ThinkGeek gift certificate!!! OMGWTFBBQ!!! You rawk SO FUCKING HARD! -m

  6. Mush says:

    But it rhymed, so who cares? YAY YOU!

  7. Brad says:

    Happy Birthday, Goblinbox! Darlin’ you’ve never looked better!

  8. Sister Spikey Mace says:

    Happy Blogday!

  9. Clem says:

    Happy Birthday Goblin!
    Congrats and so glad I found you and you me!

    See you in Iowa!


  10. shenry says:

    Five years is impressive. I aspire to reach such a level.

  11. phx says:

    Happy Blogaversery. I KNEW there was a reason it was snowing here today… 😉

  12. Logan says:


    I’d attempt to bake a delicious triple-fudge cake for you in celebration, but Anthony would have it devoured and partially digested before I came across a decent shipping box.

  13. naomi says:

    happy anniversary. though i’m older than you my blog shall forever remain younger than yours 🙂 i hope you went out and celebrated appropriately with much chocolate, sushi and fine brut champaign.

    Gawd that sounds good! -m

  14. bob says:

    and many happy returns of the day!

  15. Shigeki says:

    damn it. I am one day late.. But happy happy anniversary! keep up the good work! yay.

  16. Larry says:

    Congratulations! And I like the new look!