In which I bitch about other people’s driving.
I seriously hate people who drive SUVs.
I realize my ’92 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo is technically an SUV, but at least I don’t drive like a fucking moron. Four-wheel drive helps you go in bad conditions, sure, but it doesn’t help you stop.
It’s freezing motherfucking rain out there, people! There’s two inches of hail on the ground in places! The roads are slick. There are patches of ice.
I was passed by three vehicles during my drive in to town this morning. One was a UPS truck: okay, he’s heavier — more traction — plus he drives that thing for a living. The other two were assholes driving SUVs who obviously thought their choice of rides made them impervious to weather. One lost control of his vehicle immediately after passing me and slid into the oncoming lane! (Fortunately, there wasn’t anybody in the lane at the time or I’d have ended up in a ditch.)
Even the semis were travelling under the speed limit. If they’re going ten miles per hour under the speed limit, you SUV-drivin’ assholes should be going 15 or 20 under.
I drove in part-time 4WD at a responsible and controlled 45 MPH. Fuck you ditch-bound idiots in your bloated grocery-getters. Grrr.
3 Responses to Driving Fools
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*KEEN-wah smooches*
ice is scary.
on our way back from Chicago yesterday Loopy & I counted fourteen vehicles in various stages of disarray along the side of the road…
…from those that looked merely misplaced, to an overturned semi all twisted up like tinfoil and a car that appeared to have caught fire & had all the back windows broken–perhaps by rescue personnel getting children out of the back seat? Yikes.
All fourteen (including two semis) were in the last fifty miles of the trip–most of the way from Chicago the roads weren’t too bad, but that last fifty miles was a fucking mess. And there were plenty of semis still barrelling along despite clear visual evidence that they are not immune from disaster when the ice is that thick.
Yowza, scary drive momma.