In which my Saturday is lovely.
I took Raybo out last night. The woman raises three kids – and keeps a man – so she deserves the occasional late night out with the girls. Got home late. Really late. Like, three-thirty in the morning late.
Last night after (finally) folding all of my clean laundry, I took out my whites – the clothes I wear when seeing Amma every year – so that I’ll remember to wash and iron them soon.
And today, for fun, I wrapped one of my saris on over my jammies – sloppily – and took a picture for you. You, my babies!
Then I read Plainsong for awhile.
I wanted French food but I can’t afford to eat at Petit Paris so I went to the grocery store instead. I spent $18 on bread, brie, butter, milk, lettuce, tomatoes, and an avocado. And some POM tea.
Speaking of grocery stores, EconoFoods is going out of business, which leaves our little town of just-barely-ten-thousand with only two shopping choices: the giant chain, Hy-Vee, or the little chain, Everybody’s. (AmmZon started doing more shopping at Everybody’s recently and the household food bill was over six hundred bucks last month!) I work part-time; I went to Hy-Vee.
I know I’m supposed to, but honestly I don’t care about organic produce… not in my tax bracket. (I saw a blogger friend recently refer to Whole Foods as “Whole Paycheck.” Hah! Sing it, girl.) Now, I grok how food should be raised – I’m not stupid – and I admire the people who are doing it… But. Ultimately, as a consumer living well below the poverty line, I don’t give a shit if there’s a few chemicals in my lettuce. I absorb chemicals every time I bathe in city water or slather my skin with product. Not to mention that the majority of organic foods are overpriced and less attractive, and as any kid who has ever had a garden knows, forcing produce – by milk-feeding pumpkins, for instance – is not always a horrible thing.
When I returned home, I made a lovely creamy veggie chowder (potatoes, peas, corn, and carrots) and a brie sandwich. Yes, the bread is Italian, but what do you expect? You think I can just go out and buy French bread whenever I want? I live in BFE, people!
Which causes me to wonder, why Egypt? I realize the scansion requires a two-syllable place name – after all, “Bum Fuck Katmandu” wouldn’t roll off the tongue satisfactorily – but Egypt isn’t particularly obscure. Everyone’s heard of Egypt. Why not someplace truly off the map, like, oh, I don’t know… someplace I’ve never heard of? (I have high expectations of military slang ever since FUBAR and SNAFU, don’t you know.)
Later I went to the bar with my roommates to visit with two old friends from out of town. AmmZon had spent the afternoon working in the garden over at her aunt’s house, and suddenly came down with heat exhaustion. I boxed up the food she’d ordered and drove her home, where she immediately passed out on the couch under a blanket.
Truck came home an hour later. They nagged at each other; they do that. It drives me batshit, even though they’re always apologizing for it. Eventually they went upstairs to bed. When she came down later, I finished making the cup of tea she’d started. She wanted some Gatorade, which I said I’d run for, but now I think she’s asleep and the closest gas station is closed by now.
It’s Saturday night, it’s late, and I’m poor. And besides, no need to go out when I have 400 Mb (and counting – I’m still downloading!) of new music – Ben Folds Five, Sneaker Pimps, Amon Tobin, Les Claypool, Tower Of Power, Groove Armada – from my brother! I think I’ll head to bed myself and listen to my iPod. Yum.
5 Responses to French Food
4 random books from my Library!
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- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- Stevers
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer
she doesn’t need much of anything but water. i love the look of the soup you made. too bad it’s getting warmer. i hate cooking when it’s too warm.
She didn’t die after all. -m
you could say BFI, the I for Iowa. My favorite is living in East Jesus.
Hah! Never heard that one before. -m
How’s that WP upgrade going?
I need to do that, like 3 versions ago.
It was easy. Much easier than it used to be.
Also, your French food sounds AWESOME.
Also also? Your blog keeps reminding me about things I need to do, like upgrade my WP installs, cook more good food (esp. because this Inner Baby LOVES to eat fresh food), and WASH MY SARIS already. (They’re perfect late-pregnancy clothing!) (I just need to remember where I put them first…)
Well hell, I’m like your own personal checklist! Wash those saris! PICTURES! *smooch* -m
I’m with ya on the organic food. I save the pennies where I can and my health doesn’t suffer too much for it, so no worries. 🙂
Exactly. -m
I just pass by the organic section and wonder does it really make that much difference?
What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger muwahahahaha
I’m not into fish genes in my tomatoes, but I don’t mind a little Roundup now and again. 😉 Actually, I’d happily buy org if I could pay for it. -m